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Sweat Camp?


Dave Neuromancer
At the monent there isn't one, and as for swunting forget it.

I talked with SoFenris member Kjellings about this earlier and we thought the jellys might work, or maybe dire weeds.

or paneleons with tt gear

Anyone have another idea?

We need to make Cyrene more accessible for new people


Active Member
If anyone want to join the teamswunt, just post here.. also a little help from more experienced players would be appreciated in the beginning just to get started :)


Active Member
I'd have thought the pede area by Setter Docks would count as a sort of sweat camp.

I'm not on Cyrene at the moment (and that's partly because I went to Caly to sell the weaps I'd looted). At least the Cyrene weaps did sell on auction there, but that's still not the ultimate idea of what we want to see, is it dear devs?

Both the idea of arranging swunting and a trading market somewhere are good ideas, but I have no data on how many new players Cyrene is getting and what they are doing. From globals, it did seem that activity by medium or higher players was up after the vu, but it may have dropped again since already.


Active Member
Yes, both pedes and pleaks are good for sweating/swunting, even if the pleaks are a bit too far from a turret for those without guns.. we were thinking of teaming to sweat bigger mobs to get some loot too with the sweat, and both jellys and weeds give nice guns and loot. the more ppl that are joining in, then bigger mobs are avaliable, but if we are atleast 5 ppl, then we have something to start with :)


Hi peeps. :)

I' up for some teamswunt. I agree with Jetsina that the pede area by Setter Docks would be a good sweat camp. But I'm up for whatever. Add and pm me. :)


There can be only one, and YOU BUB; Are NOT IT.
Structured wise, I agree - there's no visible sign of a planned out sweating environment. Please bare with them as the crew there is still in a minor learning curve - maybe medium curve. Could be a steep one depending on what aspect of this game you are talking about.

We as a community are working as fast as we can with them to help them mold and understand the dynamics within the game. It can still take time to get our 'knowledge' across in a way they can understand it though.



New Member
hey everyone, I'm new on cyrene forum so here's a little introducing about me.. I start playing the game in 2006 till the cryengine update. Like many know the game was totaly different and without other planets.. I took myself a break till last year this time, there was a lot to explore and also a lot to lose.. YES lose.. with the 30k ped I had and a mind like the old days.. (making profit with hunting and exc.) .. well it didn't happen like that I lost it all in 1 year. Time to do things diff. so i picked a planet to stay on for a long time, thats how I stranded here on cyrene and looking out for new things to do.

The time I spend here on cyrene is sweating plants becose of the dodge skill and they are close to the revive but I'm not sure if there other sweatable mobs like those around.

Another thing I'm a friendly player and very social, don't hesitate to talk to me if you see me around ;).. you also can add me on Skype that makes my gameplay alot more fun ^^

cheers vic


Dave Neuromancer
Welcome to Cyrene. It looks like the best area for sweating is Setter Dock tp pedes and jellyworm in the area close to the tp. Looking me up in game and I'll add you to my growing sweat team.


Dave Neuromancer
Hopefully getting Non's thread moved here soon.

After talking with some people I nominate the mutant dire weed spawn out of Zik as the best possible swunt spawn.

400 bottles per spawn (thanks Vic) beats a pede or jelly any day


New Member
I have another 2pec tought about the mutated dire plants at Zik.. The spawns are very close to revive, those plants gives dodge skill and do about 20 - 30 dmg, it seems hard for new players but don't worry about the dmg compaired with the skills they give. If we see on Caly for example, sometimes 30 people are sweating just 1 mob and it helps a group to survive and getting sweat faster. This we can create here on Cyrene aswell but my opinion it have to start with a shedule time so people know when there are people sweating till Zik is populated enough and also for the buyers who don't have to search, but know where to find the needs for crafting.

Advertise on forum and ingame for the sweatcamp this saturday?


New Member
I talked with Dave about 400+ bottles of sweat we get from those plants, another good thing about sweating and testing that spot if it is worth as sweatcamp.. Those mobs don't attack fast so less concentration lost and there is nothing more disturbing then that message while sweating :))).. Well after 1 week sweating I got 11k+ sweat and lots of other skills .. My vote for Zik as sweatcamp YES :)


New Member
mutated dire plants: 400+ bottles... 80 min/1k... dmg 20-30... dodge skill

a fair price is (1000/80min)/100pec*dmg= 3.75ped/k?...

Because of more demands of sweat with the BP's will make it easyer for newcomers to sell sweat and buy faster a weapon or anything crafters make. Its a win - win for both sides if cyrene gets more activity even if it is unique atm that 2 sides needs a crowed planet to keep there business running it is possible to set a fair price for sweat..

The stuff we have from auc is all with economic and depends on demand for sweat it can be calculated on at this far the best mob for sweating.. another reason for this price is that people will come from other planets to see what is going on here ... 3.75ped/k

I wan't some other opinions about the sweatprice?


Well-Known Member
one of the things that effects sweat price is that you can get it on caly for 1.8 - 1.9 per k there. when you are talking about needing X amount of sweat for this or that, the cost of importing sweat from caly or even ark becomes a factor.

i have seen a few sweat resellers come to cyrene, so far all leave disappointed since they want quick profits.


New Member
I understand and thats the first thing on our minds about sweat.. where is it cheapest to buy or best price to sell.. traffic between planets for buying isn't that cheap.. planet entry fee or warp is a cost or some will try with there quad and lose peds to pirats. People will realise after time that Cyrene have the same mob like on Caly the ambu, here we have plants.

Cyrene isn't any other planet (it has something unique). And the needs are more then anywhere else I think

I did only calculation based on time and dmg and came out with a fair price.. I did this with full armor set, almost no need for healing, 3 mobs to get 1k and did 80min to get.

What I mean with this post is.. if I was new in game and can have peds 2 times faster on cyrene I will buy 2 times faster stuff from the crafters.. and crafters sell 2 times more.

an example..crafters sell now directly for 2 ped and otherwise they do 1 + 1 and its also 2ped but makes a hughe diff on materials for crafting and activity of this planet. I really hope that Cyrenians see the point in this :)))


Well-Known Member
I did only calculation based on time and dmg and came out with a fair price.. I did this with full armor set, almost no need for healing, 3 mobs to get 1k and did 80min to get.

What I mean with this post is.. if I was new in game and can have peds 2 times faster on cyrene I will buy 2 times faster stuff from the crafters.. and crafters sell 2 times more.

if i remember correctly you are an experienced dodger ;) i would think that would have some impact on how fast you are able to gather sweat.