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Sweat Camp?


Dave Neuromancer
I'm going to make that time slot - Saturday 1400 hrs MA time to 1600 or later - a weekly swunt. If people want to add other slots that would be great.


Well-Known Member
eight of us sweating mutated direplants at zik outskirts tp now come and join the fun ;)


New Member
Our first swunt event was a succes, as you can see on the screenshot above. At some point we had people joining up because they heared about this event and more important this we will weekly do on saturday. The results on the hunting them when dry wasn't that bad even tho we had moments as WTF another empty loot creature.. We had an almost global and an item looted. 50/50 on cost and return makes it worth to go on in this area i think.



Well-Known Member
we are sweating now if anyone is interested. always better with more people :D

zik outskirts tp


Well-Known Member
I have come up with a few suggestions to relay to Kris and the Cyrene Team about setting up an area for sweating. Looking at some of the mobs and the storylines to go with them. We will see how the next VU folds out around the new Supply Depot, and maybe there will be room to set up a sweating camp.

Probably the best mob to make a sweating mob would be a ~500HP Low Level Puny Mang Chang , its quite a nice size and bulky so sweaters can get nice aim, if theres room around the Supply Depot would be nice, revival terminal is close and people can sweat and sell there sweat within close proximity to the depot.

I will be looking at the comments and suggestions made on this thread in the coming weeks and im sure the developers may add a word or 2 about this, because Vibrant Sweat is part of the crafting way here on Cyrene.

Add your 2 PECs to this conversation thanks.

Agis :)

Edit : VU Notes confirmed a designated swhunt area enjoy..