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Mining sweetstuff on cyrene?


Well-Known Member
I know i have been saying that there might be too many new ores and enmatters to be found on cyrene, but it seems i might have been wrong.

As far as I know sweetstuff (enmatter) can't be found on cyrene. Sweetstuff is used in combination with the various fruits found on the ground to make food for our pets.

Grayvey came up with the idea to buy fruit from the starting players on cyrene and use it to create our own sweetstuff as a part of our cyrene stable operations. But without the required sweetstuff that would make no sense :(

Kris could you please add sweetstuff to the ores/enmatter mix? Or is there a better miner on cyrene that actually found some sweetstuff?

Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Hey harmony,

In the last VU we ended up adding a lot of universal ores and enmatters here on Cyrene. At this time, I do not think that sweetstuff is available to mine up. That being said I will definitely see about adding this in to the next VU.



Active Member
Force Nexus is another one you really need to add. It is used for the teleportation chips. The more of this stuff we can mine locally, the more of the 'money' we can keep on planet as I wont have to goto Ark to get my nexus and sweat to make ME to teleport.

and how about opening some shops so we can sell the stuff too :D



You had me with bacon
Has anyone found sweetstuff yet? Mined all over the planet with 4 different finders yesterday, found nothing.
Has anyone found sweetstuff yet? Mined all over the planet with 4 different finders yesterday, found nothing.
I'm remapping the whole planet (except PVP) and haven't yet found it either.

According to LBML maps, sweetstuff is there, although likely it's a small spot or low density.

Force nexus, if anyone's curious, can be found around the eastern tip of the snowy island.
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You had me with bacon
I'm remapping the whole planet (except PVP) and haven't yet found it either.

According to LBML maps, sweetstuff is there, although likely it's a small spot or low density.

I mined in PVP also, not a trace of it.
Yeah, given the fact that the planet is so small, many of the universal minerals are mostly located at very limited areas.


Active Member
Yes it is there, only found it twice though, Ill have to dig my LBML logs to see where I seen it at. I think force nexus is there too, ill have to look.

Edit: On that though, some stuff seems to have vanished in other places, a certain material is no longer where it used to be. Me thinks they moved stuff around a bit and didn't tell anyone. That's kind of messed up. If you don't want to tell us where something is, thats fine let us find it but if you remove it from an area we knew it to be, that's lame, ped get wasted looking for something that is no longer there.


Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Hey guys,

I can confirm that there is both sweetstuff and force nexus here on Cyrene now.

Edit: On that though, some stuff seems to have vanished in other places, a certain material is no longer where it used to be. Me thinks they moved stuff around a bit and didn't tell anyone. That's kind of messed up. If you don't want to tell us where something is, thats fine let us find it but if you remove it from an area we knew it to be, that's lame, ped get wasted looking for something that is no longer there.

I would also like to add that nothing has been moved, however a couple spawns (read: 2) have been changed co accommodate these two new additions.



Active Member
by changed do you mean removed?
I find it 'odd' that for a few weeks now a certain material appears it is no longer available where it used to be very abndant. I can see the occasional lyst or oil find because someone may have come right in font of you and got it but time and time and time again no hits?


Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Hey guys,

by changed do you mean removed?

More or less, there were some mining areas with the new universal minerals that were hitting better in some areas than others. The lower hitting areas were changed to the new minerals of sweetstuff and force nexus as the things that were there (Devil's Tail and Xeremite Ore if I remember correctly).

Either way it's something that we're monitoring here and will adjust on our end and with MindArk if necessary.



Active Member
Either way it's something that we're monitoring here and will adjust on our end and with MindArk if necessary.

Just to share how I cynically read that sentence: if the patient dies you will (try to) change their medication.......

However, I do praise your active presence here on the forums and do like it that you are replying to people here. At the moment my criticisms are becoming more cynical because we are getting the same type of problem over and over again.

As Sluggo wrote: "Me thinks they moved stuff around a bit and didn't tell anyone. That's kind of messed up. If you don't want to tell us where something is, thats fine let us find it but if you remove it from an area we knew it to be, that's lame, ped get wasted looking for something that is no longer there."

Your reply was not very clear to this - you said not moved but changed. So you got another question - changed = removed? To this you answered: more or less - that 2 resources had been changed into sweetstuff and nexus. Please can you state such changes up front, as I agree fully with Sluggo on this one. Not telling us where to find something is one thing, silently removing a resource from where it used to be found (by changing it to something else) is NOT ok.

And to be clear that I am saying this to try and help Cyrene: I don't mine! I got fed up of changes and changes and changes long ago. I won't benefit here directly if you do a better job on this!
And, because it's the same type of problem (just that it's hunting) - the drops of what is used in the new fap missions have now become pretty rare, and because the drops occur together within a few minutes when they do come, on many hunts people may not find a single bone, for example.
I expect you to be told by MA if there is a change to drop rates, and I expect you to tell us that there has been a rebalance!

This may be the last time that I try and help Cyrene by spending time writing comments here.

With regard to communication negativity about Cyrene, I was also in chat with someone in the last few days who was thinking of trying out Cyrene, but the flaming, rudeness etc on both the chat and in forum turned him/her away.
I no longer think you should rely on the community to provide the information necessary for a good stay on Cyrene (which means finding out at least some of its 'secrets' via tips and tricks and walkthroughs etc). I also do not approve of having to log onto third-party sites for access to some info, as some people have been barred from using it due to personal arguments etc - you know the story I am sure!

In short, and each point I've made is all the same topic, and prompted this time by this mining discussion: PLEASE RETHINK and take ACTION on what and how you communicate - and introduce maps and a changes made section etc here on this forum!
There is no doubt sweetstuff does occur on Cyrene, and finding out where, when and how to get it (or any other hard to catch stuff) is a normal part of any mining operation. I also think Kris has already released too much information, and releasing more would risk killing the fun of search.

As for some trolls and their friends not being given respect they expected, that's completely off-topic to the issue at hand.


Active Member

Im working with C Team in private on some of the mining issues. If it is something valid / significant/ etc I / We will post here with any 'findings'. I don't want to bring them up here at this time because of all the drama that some cause and also, because I don't want to be giving away where certain things are located and drop .vs. timing patterns. ie some people need to find their own stuff and quit expecting everyone else to do their homework for them.



Active Member
Good answers to what I wrote above - thanks!
To clear up what I was thinking: when you 'earn' yourself knowledge it should not silently turn into a disadvantage for you at a later date (you'd be better off dropping at random than somewhere something USED to be but has now changed silently). Hopefully knowledge should even stay an advantage if things change. Thus, after a series of posts, what we now know from Kris IS NOW an advantage for those who knew where devils tail was before, without also telling everyone where the stuff is for free.

So to Kris: can you maybe note that idea that when you change stuff, please present information about it in a way that has this result if you can!


Fate Thanatos Themis

Im working with C Team in private on some of the mining issues. If it is something valid / significant/ etc I / We will post here with any 'findings'. I don't want to bring them up here at this time because of all the drama that some cause and also, because I don't want to be giving away where certain things are located and drop .vs. timing patterns. ie some people need to find their own stuff and quit expecting everyone else to do their homework for them.


omg u hide data, u make secrets!!