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Synthetic Rubber actually dropping?


New Member
OK so I was excited to see the new stage of the H.E.A.R.T fap and the mission looked doable and I was ready to pump some money in to grind away till I noticed the the whole 275 synthetic rubber requirement.

Already seeing resellers wetting their panties trying to get up to 600% on this item that was 120% the day before this mission dropped. And stock levels are pathetically low to start with as well (surprise surprise).

Doing a little research and at best this item is an uncommon drop from a handful of mobs? Tried going after some of the mobs with a few hundred peds and got exactly 0 / 275... So yeah not exactly keen on yet another grind of 10's of thousands of peds hoping to "get lucky" 275 times all for a marginal upgrade on a non-tradable FAP. WTF is up with that requirement?

I've had my fill of that tyrannical BS of being at the mercy of MA's drop rate trying for the power crystals on zyns, thanks. Not doing that again. Was a complete waste of time and many MANY peds.

So, is there a mob that actually drops these or are we once again at the mercy of the MA imposed bottleneck? Because if that's the case I'm not even going to bother.

Seriously, you need to stop giving MA control over your missions via drop rate bottlenecks... Use very common items and just utilize TT blueprints to craft unique materials and add in NPCs that allow combining/trading up these common items into mission critical items (kinda like what you did with the lazidol part trader). No more missions that require lottery item loot, it's BS. If you want to earn $xxx then just say we have to kill xxxxx of something. Don't have the added wild card of needing a ton of random drops too which could mean that some get lucky only need to kill 3000 while others need to kill 30,000+. That's complete BS.

I mean, what's the point of having a "mission" when it all just boils down into some luck draw BS or paying insane trader markups? I don't understand the thought process on how these materials are even chosen...

"Ok we need some components, let's see we've got this item that has an infrequent drop rate and never more than maybe 15 on the auction at any time. Yeah let's get people each needing 275 of THOSE!".



Active Member
Its simple... one synth rubber is 0.57 ped. So if the typical loot of the mob you hunt is less than that.. it won't drop a lot. It does still drop.


Sandal San Tolk
Seriously, you need to stop giving MA control over your missions via drop rate bottlenecks... Use very common items and just utilize TT blueprints to craft unique materials and add in NPCs that allow combining/trading up these common items into mission critical items (kinda like what you did with the lazidol part trader). No more missions that require lottery item loot, it's BS. If you want to earn $xxx then just say we have to kill xxxxx of something.
This was tried but they never approved it. You forget who owns the game and calls the shots. They want these things to be scarce and not have an economy where everybody can participate in a production chain. But if they did and everybody could have the good stuff, it would no longer be good. This is a system of redistribution, which always means many have to try for few to succeed. The only two ways to get on top of this is to either throw at it whatever it takes, or take control over the compulsion.


New Member
This was tried but they never approved it. You forget who owns the game and calls the shots. They want these things to be scarce and not have an economy where everybody can participate in a production chain. But if they did and everybody could have the good stuff, it would no longer be good. This is a system of redistribution, which always means many have to try for few to succeed. The only two ways to get on top of this is to either throw at it whatever it takes, or take control over the compulsion.

Hmmm... Well I didn't know they had tried but I can certainly see MA rejecting it. Quite disappointing they refuse to evolve and no surprise why NeverDie walked away. I hope they reconsider how they operate with this unreal engine merge. A perfect time to reinvent themselves and let go of the tyrannical stranglehold they insist on keeping which prevents any innovation/evolution for this game. I can't be the only one tiring of this kind of stuff as newer options in the play to earn space emerge.

If they don't evolve, I don't see any kind of graphic update saving them from being eaten alive by competition. It's the core gameplay that needs a makeover, not the UI. At this point the level of stagnation is getting very pathetic for something that came on to the scene as being so innovative in the gaming space with its RCE.
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Sandal San Tolk
Hmmm... Well I didn't know they had tried but I can certainly see MA rejecting it. Quite disappointing they refuse to evolve and no surprise why NeverDie walked away. I hope they reconsider how they operate with this unreal engine merge. A perfect time to reinvent themselves and let go of the tyrannical stranglehold they insist on keeping which prevents any innovation/evolution for this game. I can't be the only one tiring of this kind of stuff as newer options in the play to earn space emerge.

If they don't evolve, I don't see any kind of graphic update saving them from being eaten alive by competition. It's the core gameplay that needs a makeover, not the UI. At this point the level of stagnation is getting very pathetic for something that came on to the scene as being so innovative in the gaming space with its RCE.
Just to clarify, of course I'm not entitled to know what happens behind the scenes but we did discuss some ideas and designed a system of staggering levels of production steps which were to consume a lot of common materials and thereby generate an economic base for players on various skill levels. I am only assuming by the friendly dialogue this created, that some of it was at least attempted. I'm trying to understand the other side on the base of mathematical laws we can't ignore, hence the hint to redistribution. On top of that they have the data to determine what works and what doesn't, we don't.


New Member
Its simple... one synth rubber is 0.57 ped. So if the typical loot of the mob you hunt is less than that.. it won't drop a lot. It does still drop.
I think that's not 100% accurate. I tried grinding out on a higher maturity where the average loot was 3x the value of that item and I didn't loot a single one in a few hundred kills. I think MA drops the items when they want to drop them and it doesn't matter what the maturity is or honestly any other factor within the control of players. If they say you're getting a 0.57 loot on a mob you only spent 0.20 to kill you're getting that 0.57 loot. On the other hand if you're spending 10 peds a kill and grinding 100,000 peds if they say "no this isn't dropping" you're pretty much SOL.

Maybe on a macro scale of doing 30,000+ kills you could see maybe a modest increase in drop rate but I don't think it's a night and day comparison. Plus that was my point is that for these missions is that it shouldn't boil down to macro-scale grinding to complete a mission - I would prefer a defined amount of kills rather than trying to game some elusive drop rate as a means to quietly extract 100x the value out of players pockets. Turning what should be a reasonably easy (low cost) mission into a massive cash cow that's gonna take 10's of thousands of peds and weeks of grinding to accomplish.

Again, they picked this item that has had like 50 peds worth of sales a month since 2013!!! And each player needs 156 peds worth and the drop rate hasn't increased. On a 750+ ped cycle today I looted 1.. If this rate continues I can expect to have to grind 200,000 peds + all the peds for all the other requirements to get a modest fap upgrade for a non-tradable fap.

Not pointing fingers here but seems kinda like a real "d*ck move" by someone calling the shots...
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Sandal San Tolk
... I would prefer a defined amount of kills rather than trying to game some elusive drop rate as a means to quietly extract 100x the value out of players pockets.
I agree with that. There are more factors at play when it's about tradable, unlimited items. But for an avatar-bound one, I don't see how this is justified. I also don't think it even competes much against crafted (L) medical tools, those are much less popular than other equipment.


Active Member
I am getting around 10-15 synth rubber per 300 ped cycled. I did buy a lot from Boo who you, who did the codex for this mob and he had amassed 172, So I hunted 103 myself. I made it to level 23 in the codex. So yeah a bit rare, and I agree, if everybody needs to hold 275 in their storage and then do 3k skreel/muckjaw/wiles.. it will run out really soon. But I got mine and I got in in time. (learnt from the stolen imperium mistake) The fap itself with the new stats is a really good one, so maybe it should be rare. But level 30+ Chaser and Majestic maturity drop it regularly. They don't mind dropping 0,57 ped unlike smaller mobs. Sometimes you even get 3 or 4.


Active Member
I am getting around 10-15 synth rubber per 300 ped cycled. I did buy a lot from Boo who you, who did the codex for this mob and he had amassed 172, So I hunted 103 myself. I made it to level 23 in the codex. So yeah a bit rare, and I agree, if everybody needs to hold 275 in their storage and then do 3k skreel/muckjaw/wiles.. it will run out really soon. But I got mine and I got in in time. (learnt from the stolen imperium mistake) The fap itself with the new stats is a really good one, so maybe it should be rare. But level 30+ Chaser and Majestic maturity drop it regularly. They don't mind dropping 0,57 ped unlike smaller mobs. Sometimes you even get 3 or 4.

what mob are u taking about?


New Member
killed 1800 small tree dragons got 15 synthetic 4 came from 1 global

edit 11k tree dragons later for nub quest looted excatly 100 rubbers waves are 7 min long or when all rubbers from wave are looted and happens every 20-40min is my observations :) gl hunting them
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Xanato Xan Kaso

New Member
killed 1800 small tree dragons got 15 synthetic 4 came from 1 global

edit 11k tree dragons later for nub quest looted excatly 100 rubbers waves are 7 min long or when all rubbers from wave are looted and happens every 20-40min is my observations :) gl hunting them

Thats a lot of rubbers to use while upgrading your FAPing ability. I am sure your socks and your mom thank you.