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Synthetic Rubber


New Member
Hey Kris,

I think something may be wrong with the drop rate of Synthetic Rubber since Loot 2.0. I killed 500+ Sea Wraiths [level 1-3], and have only had two drop. Either I am very unlucky, or the drop rate may be messed up. I think 500+ kills is a fair sample size, and a drop rate of 0.4% seems very low to me. Is it possible to check on this?




Correct.... My wife kill about 3k Sea Wraith and only take 2 or 3 rubbers.... something goes wrong...

And dont forget Bone-in-Meat.... since a two months ago, is like not exist...

Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Hey Gunner,

I think something may be wrong with the drop rate of Synthetic Rubber since Loot 2.0. I killed 500+ Sea Wraiths [level 1-3], and have only had two drop. Either I am very unlucky, or the drop rate may be messed up. I think 500+ kills is a fair sample size, and a drop rate of 0.4% seems very low to me. Is it possible to check on this?

I'll take a look at the drop rates from our side as well as the past few weeks of reports and see if there's a disconnect somewhere.

And dont forget Bone-in-Meat.... since a two months ago, is like not exist...

Same for Bone-in-Meat.



New Member
Hi Kris,

Is there an update on this? I've been killing Sea Wraiths again but still no Synthetic Rubber drops. There seems to have been at least one update since I reported this on July 3rd. (I am assuming there has been an update since Ark Moon came online, or are the updates independent of each other?)



Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Hey Gunner,

Is there an update on this? I've been killing Sea Wraiths again but still no Synthetic Rubber drops. There seems to have been at least one update since I reported this on July 3rd. (I am assuming there has been an update since Ark Moon came online, or are the updates independent of each other?)

So the updates aren't exactly like that. I don't have any sort of knowledge to confirm but my best guess is the moon was it's own special update. It was NOT a normal PP VU because for sure no Cyrene updates happened.

I took a look though last month while MA was on vacation, and have made some further adjustments for the next PP VU. I also am planning to talk MA about making adjustments on their end as well.

We've looted synthetic rubber from a scout bot (not sure if weak, watcher or soldier). The drop rate is somewhat low, but so are some others as well (bone-in-meat, dire weed flaxen).

Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Hey Haruto Rat,

We've looted synthetic rubber from a scout bot (not sure if weak, watcher or soldier). The drop rate is somewhat low, but so are some others as well (bone-in-meat, dire weed flaxen).

This is something that we're also watching internally, we've made some adjustments on our end for the next PP VU, but we also have to do that in conjunction with MA and the majority of it handled on their end.

If you notice any other low drops for component items please let me know.



Well-Known Member
We should learn to live with the adjustment, that often some of the materials are a subject to an artificial deficit. :(
If you notice any other low drops for component items please let me know.

It isn't always easy to judge what is "low".

One thing that almost certainly is too scarce is jellyworm hide. Today, I spent 102.xx PED to kill ~250 jellies (mostly of the bile kind, some mutant) and ended up with 4 (four) hides.

Now, how low is that?
Texturing one field at 100% takes 323 textures.
At 3 textures/crafting success, it means 108 successes (probably slightly fewer because I'd get more textures in multipliers but let's do a conservative estimate).
Average chance of success in crafting being ~38%, that would take about 280...285 clicks.
As I'd hardly get any leather back from near successes, I'd need ~850 hides.
If drop rate above persists, I'd need to do about 210...215 runs like today, killing 50...55 thousand jellyworms and turning over 20...22 thousand PED, just for one field of texture. And the mission chain is just for 18k mobs.
Perhaps I need to try a different maturity... or go back to swamplurkers. :)

(edit) It of course also depends on what I want it for. For the acid armor plate daily I'd only need one success but it takes 3 leathers/click (and it's also less predictable because it can return materials in near success). As a ballpark estimate, the number of jellies, that would need to die for one avatar to complete said daily mission, is somewhere between 1000 and 2000.
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Well-Known Member
If you notice any other low drops for component items please let me know.


Low drop rate for Broken Scorpion, Broken XT, Busted Zyn Mordican and all other items like that. When you need 100 items per click and you loot 1 or 2 items per 100ped it's not a good drop rate.

By the way, some Cyrene BP can't be used because there is missing items like HK mold or Tree Dragon hide for example.

In fact, alot Cyrene BP can't be used just because the drop rate for Cyrene components is really low. I suggest to reduce all Animals oils and increase Cyrene components.
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After a few k clicks on armour & weapons I haven't looted a single cyrene bp (L or U), do they even drop?

Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Hey guys,

It isn't always easy to judge what is "low".

Of course, it's also a difference of real low vs perceived low as well. Unfortunately on Cyrene the auction doesn't accurately paint a picture. The reports are more telling, but only if we know what to look for, and even then sometimes there are inconsistencies that pop up and skew the data.

One thing that almost certainly is too scarce is jellyworm hide. Today, I spent 102.xx PED to kill ~250 jellies (mostly of the bile kind, some mutant) and ended up with 4 (four) hides.

Now, how low is that?
Texturing one field at 100% takes 323 textures.
At 3 textures/crafting success, it means 108 successes (probably slightly fewer because I'd get more textures in multipliers but let's do a conservative estimate).
Average chance of success in crafting being ~38%, that would take about 280...285 clicks.
As I'd hardly get any leather back from near successes, I'd need ~850 hides.
If drop rate above persists, I'd need to do about 210...215 runs like today, killing 50...55 thousand jellyworms and turning over 20...22 thousand PED, just for one field of texture. And the mission chain is just for 18k mobs.
Perhaps I need to try a different maturity... or go back to swamplurkers. :)

(edit) It of course also depends on what I want it for. For the acid armor plate daily I'd only need one success but it takes 3 leathers/click (and it's also less predictable because it can return materials in near success). As a ballpark estimate, the number of jellies, that would need to die for one avatar to complete said daily mission, is somewhere between 1000 and 2000.

I LOVE the math here, and it clearly illustrates the underlying issue with this drop rate.

I've already gone back through the last 10 weeks of reports and looked at all sources of jellyworm hide (READ: how many jellyworms were killed) vs how many had dropped and it was about 1/5 of what I expected it to be. From the Cyrene side we've got adjustments planned, pending more information from MAs side of it (as the power of making loot drop is split between us and MA).

So all this has us now looking and analyzing other hide drop rates as well, making sure they are dropping correctly.

Low drop rate for Broken Scorpion, Broken XT, Busted Zyn Mordican and all other items like that. When you need 100ped click and you loot 1 or 2 per 100ped it's not a good drop rate too.

By the way, some Cyrene BP can't be used because there is missing items like HK mold or Tree Dragon hide for example.

In fact, alot Cyrene BP can't be used just because the drop rate for Cyrene components is really low. I suggest to reduce all Animals oils and increase Cyrene components.

100%, this is something we're always looking at, but I think the bigger problem is the Cyrene BPs themselves, which is something that Lilmc is really perusing and planning to make changes to in the future.

Stay tuned for more information later.

After a few k clicks on armour & weapons I haven't looted a single cyrene bp (L or U), do they even drop?

To my knowledge all the BPs that are supposed to be able to be discovered are available, however, this is something that we have to review from time to time and make sure there aren't any hiccups in this system with MA (I personally don't know exactly how the discovery works).

That being said there are numerous things we are already following up with them after the summer and this one is on the list as well.

I want to thank everyone for their feedback / information / comments here, it helps in making Cyrene better each and every VU.


Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Hello Gunner,

The drop rate have improved from my last post in September looking at last weeks report.

However, when it comes to Synthetic Rubber I believe that more changes are needed on MA's side and not our side, so I'll talk to them again to try and increase them a bit more.

That being said while we both (Planet Cyrene and MA) have different parts when it comes to how loot drops, the final say when it comes to rate and frequency ultimately falls outside of our jurisdiction. I do always try to be a champion for Planet Cyrene and make sure that items drop at a fair rate as I can.



New Member
Hello Gunner,

The drop rate have improved from my last post in September looking at last weeks report.

However, when it comes to Synthetic Rubber I believe that more changes are needed on MA's side and not our side, so I'll talk to them again to try and increase them a bit more.

That being said while we both (Planet Cyrene and MA) have different parts when it comes to how loot drops, the final say when it comes to rate and frequency ultimately falls outside of our jurisdiction. I do always try to be a champion for Planet Cyrene and make sure that items drop at a fair rate as I can.

Thank you Kris. We appreciate your dedication and help :)