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FIXED Tailoring (L) bps got UL

Magnus Mag Ogg

New Member

i had lots of cyrene tailoring blueprints (L) (paradigm, imperium etc). Now they don't show the (L) anymore, the number of clicks became qr and the markup became tt+ instead of %.

this is for all limited cyrene tailoring bps i have...

Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Hey Magnus Mag Ogg!

There was a bug last VU where Paradigm Series Pants 1 & 2 and Paradigm Series Shoes 1 & 2 were both Limited when they should have been unlimited. This change was intended.


Magnus Mag Ogg

New Member
hi kris,

i am not talking about the items ( i didn't even notice that change lol)... i mean the blueprints...

yes, the clothing got UNLIMITED..but the blueprints also got UNLIMITED

so for example:

paradigm shoes series 2 (L) blueprint (L), 84 clicks --> paradigm shoes series 2 blueprint, qr 84

see the picture, all tailor bps in the spear mk.iv were (L) (limited number of clicks) before the VU, UL (#clicks became quality rating) after VU

hope that makes clear what i mean...


here a list of bps that i know were L and got UL (the ones i have):
imperium common shoes blueprint
imperium common shoes blueprint
imperium noble shoes blueprint
imperium noble pants blueprint
paradigm shoes series 1 blueprint
paradigm pants series 2 bleuprint
paradigm shoes series 2 blueprint
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