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Talonesti Corporation


Active Member
Hey everyone, I've been thinking about making a new Society for Cyrene, called Talonesti Corporation. This is somewhat a continuation of my small operation ran in EVE-Online (that I haven't played in forever).

Right now it'd be nothing too serious, as I have two jobs to put my time into, but I would like to have it involved strictly on Cyrene. As of right now I only have a few people that would be interested in joining, so I haven't created yet unless I know I can get the bare minimum requirements for it.

The basic concept is of course to have fun with it. I know there's a lot of that out there, but I'd also like to have everyone involved with the story whenever possible. Helping new players is a definite plus, as that's what will grow Cyrene the most. We can take it from tourists and visitors to a place people are proud to call home.

There's no specific requirements, or professions. But, if at all possible, I'd like people to be able to help each other out with actually making it corporation-like. As in taking up crafts and professions that compliment others in society. This way we can make the best use of all assets available, be it hunting, mining, or crafting. I know this is harder with already established character, but perhaps newer characters can fill in those holes, or it can give an opportunity and reason to strike out on a new path.

So there you have it, if anyone is interested, please let me know. The sooner this is up and running, the better. :)


Active Member
I'm going to put this on hold for the time being. The population is far too low right now for me to even get started. I'll revisit again at launch or whenever the population picks up.


Active Member
Very awesome of you to pick up on that. :D

It is indeed. The Dragon Lance books have and always will be my favorite, especially those of Margaret Weis and Tracy Hickman.

I've used that name in various games depending on the setting. Talonesti Council for fantasy stuff, Talon Company for FPS games, and so on n so forth. I've had it for quite a while and there's some history behind it, along with the Rathius character and the avatar I'm using.

The very condensed version of the story... is that the Talonesti were a creation of mine to use in D&D tabletop, they're an originally mixed race of elves that were gifted the ability to transform into dragons to help in the dragon war as a counter to the draconian population. And since that time the ability has been passed down through the bloodlines.


Active Member
I've started up the society, but not as Cyrene only at the moment. I have quite a few things to work out before I'm able to return to Cyrene, so as of right now I'm on Calypso trying to make some business arrangements happen.

Even though, if anyone is interested in joining, please let me know, here, ingame, or even just applying at the terminal works too!

Or in other words; Talonesti Corporation, now hiring smiling faces! :D


Active Member
I do, and I already have it established. A few people were kind enough to lend themselves to just filling space.