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team swunting exploration initiative


Well-Known Member
Please go here http://cyreneforum.com/threads/sweat-camp.1182/

the following idea had been discontinued.... in this form atleast ;)

cyrene dosnt have any sweat circles...

i would like to fix this by gathering a group of like minded people to go forth into the unknown and find out what mobs that we can swunt with what number of people.

if you are just interested in just sweating thats fine(no loot for you). the most important thing right now is bodies to split the hits.

if you are interested in being a part of this. either reply or send me a pm so we can work out a time frame that would suit us.

any ideas of mobs to sweat or a location that is close to a revive or a tp would be of help also

i will edit this post and the one below as things progress.

bodies provided by Syndicate of Fenris


lvl 3 bile jellyworm 100hp
these took 5 noobish people to sweat dry with out alot of healing.
at 7 people it was very easy to sweat them dry in 2-3min with little healing.

fun with a large group and low dmg weapons.


Well-Known Member
as for rules:
  • any large tt value item looted can be bought by highest bidder in swunt or it will be TT'd and ped split between all team members
  • looted stacks of items to be kept by looter
  • before any swunt a general dmg per sec weapon limit will be agreed upon by team members.


New Member
yeh...a sweating group aye

i would recommend the dire weed for a group sweat...nice HP low attack...not sure if it would be reasonable to swunt on those since it seems like a gambling mob - then again what is not a gambling mob these days ;)

Donno all mobs around though something similar to rocktropia haters would be awesome for sure.


Well-Known Member
yeh...a sweating group aye

i would recommend the dire weed for a group sweat...nice HP low attack...not sure if it would be reasonable to swunt on those since it seems like a gambling mob - then again what is not a gambling mob these days ;)

Donno all mobs around though something similar to rocktropia haters would be awesome for sure.

yeah about 4-5 people for the weeds. thanks for the input.

Lio Mori

Gax Toruk Uhn
if you are just interested in sweating thats fine. the most important thing right now is bodies to split the hits.

I may join for sweating, just have in mind that I'm very new here, so... I can't take too much damage.


Dire Weeds not give much Sweat. Testet them as i needet it for Crafting. So you have found a nice Sweatable Mob already? I maybe would Join from time to time as need always some Sweat to Craft :)


Well-Known Member
its been difficult to gather people for swunts lately. alot of it has to do with people wandering off to other planets and it being hard to sell sweat at the moment.

if you need sweat for crafting and cant find some one to sweat with you should check out the peds 30 sweat per mob dosnt sound like a lot but it adds up quick if your evade is decent.


its been difficult to gather people for swunts lately. alot of it has to do with people wandering off to other planets and it being hard to sell sweat at the moment.

if you need sweat for crafting and cant find some one to sweat with you should check out the peds 30 sweat per mob dosnt sound like a lot but it adds up quick if your evade is decent.
Thank you for your Answer i will check this out than :)


Well-Known Member
any information that anyone wants to share on mobs that they have sweated will be included in the first post with credit given to team/person/soc that acuired the info and graciously shared it.


I'm up for a sweating group. Mind you I still have no decent weapons so I'm only in for the sweating I'm afraid. :( So yeah pm me or add me.