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Temporary sales boothes - repurchased at a loss for players to prevent resale

Rusty Venture

Back on Cyrene
A great idea would be to put up maybe 10 market booths, but have the condition that you will be buying them back from the players at 80% of the purchase price in like 3 months. That way resellers will not be interested and people only dedicated people will use them. And when you are ready to roll out with the real shops and houses, just buy the old shops back from the players automatically.


Well-Known Member
i would rather they just focus on getting to full launch then taking the time to implement a system such as this.


Travelling through time...
I don't think it would work. First of all Cyrene is not that popular yet so even if you place everything under average markup you will still sell considerably low amounts. Second and most important would be that no one in his right mind would buy something that he or she will have to sell after certain time for a loss - why bother, just invest in something that will keep it's value or even increase it. I think the best option here would be that players would have a chance to "order" from Cyrene a booth with certain amount of item points for a fixed price - no auctioning. In that case resellers couldn't rise the price as players would just order them directly. A down side of this would still be the limitation of booths as you can't sell unlimited amount of them so later the price would rise anyway when playerbase will grow larger.

I had an idea about all this - make shares of booths. Something similar to Calypso Land Deeds where 9 deeds are supposed to give space for a house. Only in this case each share would give 1 item point in booth. For example - collect investors and buy 10 shares together and you have a working booth where each investor have a right of x amount of item points where x is the amount of shares he bought. This way everyone will have an access to his item points without the need to ask booth owner to restock something for him. But even in this case there is a chance of reselling.

As in every other game where something can be sold for a player set value, there will be resellers trying to earn profit. It's just impossible to eliminate reselling if there is limited amount of items in game.

*Like this because it's the longest post i have for quite a while. :p

Rusty Venture

Back on Cyrene
I still think selling booths that are automatically removed from a players inventory would be a good idea.

For example, sell a booth that at hard launch is removed from the players inventory completely, they just do not own it anymore. Think of it is a temporary booth for temporary use. When removed that is it.
People can buy the booths with this expectation in mind and actually use them till hard launch to hopefully make a profit. This would boost the economy as well.

Just a suggestion though.


Well-Known Member
What's wrong with just adding booths? there are several cyrene based players that would love to operate a booth and have the peds for one. Sure some might end up in the hands of resellers, but even they would add stuff to the booths, which is good for cyrene as a whole.

There is no way i would ever pay for a temporary booth.

Rusty Venture

Back on Cyrene
They are waiting for hard launch for whatever reason, this is a way to get one in the meantime perhaps, although less time useable then when I originally though of it.

Paul Jetman Masters

Well-Known Member
if I bought a booth, knowing my luck it would be the one floating in the air

however I do like tunerS idea, maybe we could have a market place with only shopkeepers and so many deeds equal a shopkeeper (Never owned a shop so I don't know how item points work)


Active Member
I like your ideas Jetman and harmony. Splitting a booth may have it's issues. WHO restocks it, one of you? All of you? what if your item sells for one ped profit and my item sells for 15 ped profit, I have to share that with you? See where the problems may arise on that. Now if a co op of players got together and said hey we will all pitch in and run this thing that might work, but I believe the only person who can manip a booth is the deed holder, I don't think they can delegate another keeper. If I did get a shop that is one thing Id be willing to do for folks is sell stuff for them on a very small commission, within reason. I know quite a few folks who can craft pretty good, but don't have 10 - 15k ped to throw down for a booth. I know people who craft ok, they may do one or two items very well, and surely don't have that kind of ped for a booth, my idea I have in mind can help all those folks out. Ive always been a strong voice for booths anyways because the auction is too much chance of a ped suck given our populous is not the strongest right now. Some stuff does sell but it's hit or miss. You can sell 150 ped one week and 0 the next, depending on who is on. Having a store front to keep it up for 30 days or however long w/o having to lose your AH fees over and over again would surely help us all, not to mention if someone KNOWS something will be available instead of 'maybe' in the AH that would help people come here too I believe.

I have ped stashed away for a booth, unfortunately the way Cyrene is going it looks like it'll probably be a year before we see anything 'hard launch'. I have one of my friends holding onto it for me because I know darned well if I had a pile of ped in my bank account it'd drain slowly over time :D I can always hump the credit card into game too when the time does come to buy a booth.

As for the actual purchase of it, it's hard to say. A raffle would be nice with them at a set price, but do we buy tickets, do they drop in loot or what? Yes yes only takes 1 to win but the ubers would have no problem dumping 30k ped gathering raffle tickets. Same with an auction, I can easily see certain individuals paying 20k if they had to for a booth, though they are pretty much never here just so they can sell their stuff or flip the booth for a profit. It happened on Ark, it will happen here you can bet on that. I would like to see some way that somehow one of the cyrene inhabitants could get a better priority at it but don't see an honest way to do that really.

We need booths first before we can start squabbling over them. Then comes the issue, where to put it? If they re open stuff, what will be hot, what will not?

Oh well, we just keep on waiting.



Active Member
I would like to see some way that somehow one of the cyrene inhabitants could get a better priority at it but don't see an honest way to do that really.

Create a freebie or Low Cost Daily Mission. Give as a reward for that mission NON-TRADEABLE daily tokens. Stock Up the tokens and use them to buy the booth. Rocktropia has something similar going on with Bananas, but it's cost is way up there, and bananas are tradeable. If you want a daily player on a particular planet to have something give the reward as something you can count that is not tradeable.


Create a freebie or Low Cost Daily Mission. Give as a reward for that mission NON-TRADEABLE daily tokens. Stock Up the tokens and use them to buy the booth. Rocktropia has something similar going on with Bananas, but it's cost is way up there, and bananas are tradeable. If you want a daily player on a particular planet to have something give the reward as something you can count that is not tradeable.
Yeah because what we need is ANOTHER token badge certificate for a mission that may or may not pay out. Still waiting on my guns. How's that drop rate going Kris?


I STILL think a bazaar type environment at the Supply Depot would go a long way to promoting Cyrene. I, personally, think a "flea market" system would work extremely well. A player would rent a space for, say, a week to sell whatever items they want to sell. Yes, I know, the Auction is supposed to take care of that but.. one of the things about it is that it prompts a player to sell at or above market value. Me, I would like to help the newer players with prices they can afford... and, many do not know how to navigate the auction offerings.
The main thing here, is that a display of goods in the public sight would look VERY good.

Lilmc | Cyrene

Former Official of the greatest community.
Staff member
I STILL think a bazaar type environment at the Supply Depot would go a long way to promoting Cyrene. I, personally, think a "flea market" system would work extremely well. A player would rent a space for, say, a week to sell whatever items they want to sell. Yes, I know, the Auction is supposed to take care of that but.. one of the things about it is that it prompts a player to sell at or above market value. Me, I would like to help the newer players with prices they can afford... and, many do not know how to navigate the auction offerings.
The main thing here, is that a display of goods in the public sight would look VERY good.

I do like the idea of able to show off goods in plain view and have players rent booths. However, I don't believe MA currently has a system in place where it allows you rights for X amount of time. That would be a suggestion for the MA team to take a look at, if you have any other suggestions don't be afraid to share.


Rusty Venture

Back on Cyrene
It's simple, sell us the deeds, have a note in the deeds that on X day, they will be MANUALLY removed from our inventory. I know for a fact MA can manually remove items from inventory of players. Boom, you have rented deeds out.


Sandal San Tolk
It's simple, sell us the deeds, have a note in the deeds that on X day, they will be MANUALLY removed from our inventory. I know for a fact MA can manually remove items from inventory of players. Boom, you have rented deeds out.
Might be a workaround, but if it involves manual labour every time, I think their motivation is not very great. Look at it from the other side, this is the kind of things which hit your list of errands and you grow to hate very quickly.

That would be a suggestion for the MA team to take a look at
They have a number of these in their inbox and not only since recently. If a planet partner could add some weight to it?


Why manual, for Pete's sake... a countdown clock is the easiest thing in the world. They use them on a multitude of things, anyway. simplest example is the Loot Pill... if XX condiions are met, you use it and the clock starts. Granted, it would have to count down in real time, but, that's no biggie. Frankly, I am amazed they would drag their feet on something like this.. it would do two things.. boost transactional sales and get the players more into the game. It's a kinda no-brainer... the more involved players become in a game, the more players you will have and attract.


New Member
Nooo no temporary booths. I do not approve :). I want to buy and own my own Booth. Give this noob a chance to establish a business on his favorite planet


Active Member
Nooo no temporary booths. I do not approve :). I want to buy and own my own Booth. Give this noob a chance to establish a business on his favorite planet

Holy necro Batman!

And too late. :eek:

Soon there will be a chance anyone could get a booth, please check out this other topic: :hehe1:

John Galt

Hi all
I would like to leave my opinion on the topic.
As a newcomer to Cyrene with no exact idea if I am here to stay a month or to reside, my priority is to focus on raising the player count on the planet.

How does this relate to the topic? My idea links it.
We know people follow incentives, and those incentives to work well for all parts involved need to also benefit the service provider (C-team and players).
This idea applies to both the booths and potential Cyrene deeds.
Idea sounds really simple but I don't know how willing MA/C-team is to work out a balance for something like this.

Monthly mission that requires X Cyrene Daily Tokens + Y PED.
Say... 1500 PED + 1500 daily tokens.
Add a monthly upkeep of 100 daily tokens to force owners to actively play in Cyrene or sell.

Weekly mission that requires X Cyrene Daily Tokens + Y PED.
Say.... 50 PED + 100 daily tokens.

There are multiple benefits here.
a) Paced sale - Making them SCHEDULED imposes a pace limit and prevents someone from buying 20 booths to resell on day one or 500 Deeds to speculate on
b) Benefits the locals - requiring Cyrene Daily Tokens (or any other new resource non tradeable that can only be acquired in Cyrene and not in bulk). Prioritises Long term residents, then recent residents, then visitors.
c) Invites new players - see point b
d) Justifies Existing Tokens - gives a purpose to the daily tokens people are either hoarding or ignoring due to the currently available options

I believe an announcement of such measures would immediately bring players.
EDIT: After posting I read the full thread and seems the priority part had been suggested by Sluggo and the token part by mastermesh. I think this is a good way forward.

Personal interest disclosure:
I am in the planet for 9 days and have 111 Daily tokens.
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