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Wish List Texture Icons


New Member
could you, if you have a bit time, please change the textures icons too to how ark textures do it? It takes less space and is more easy to handle:

2015-08-30 21_56_24-Entropia Universe Client (64 bit) [Calypso].png
I strongly disagree with this suggestion. For someone not familiar with all the textures, 2x2 icon gives a much better idea of what it will look like when applied than 2x1 icon where you look at the pattern from less than 30 degrees angle.

As for space, there is enough space in a shopkeeper for 20 2x2 icons; containers can indeed be a pain sometimes but I guess lobbying for resizable container windows might be a better idea. ;)


New Member
That was a bad example, but hadent thought you would context it to the shopkeeper.
Imagine I have of each texture at least 1 sample.. ok?
Here the result:
2015-08-31 15_38_28-Entropia Universe Client (64 bit) [Calypso].png