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The Chief Request daily - 1440 ped + 7987 ped


Well-Known Member
My best loot since i play on the Universe.
Cyrene gave me my first hof in mining, crafting and hunting. Cyrene gave me all my first nice things, rare items and Summer ring 2016.
Today, Cyrene gave me my best loot since i play !!

First loot at 73/100 mob for the daily : 1440 ped
2017-09-23-134700_Majestic Zyn'Dos Hoarder (1440 PED).jpg

Check mission counter : 76/100 and 7987 ped !

2017-09-23-134837_Weak Zyn'Dos Forager (7987 PED).jpg

Yeahhhh :D
Cyrene still rox !