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Wish List The Hub Un-Equiping Cloths


New Member
Can we please not un-equip clothing and rings when going to the hub? re-equipping said items costs us 2 pec each time and some of us have some valuable L rings that get 2 pec decay every time :banghead:

Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Hey JooGooGun,

Can we please not un-equip clothing and rings when going to the hub? re-equipping said items costs us 2 pec each time and some of us have some valuable L rings that get 2 pec decay every time :banghead:

This is some that we'd like as well, however this is currently a limitation of the Hub logic setup by Mindark.
I hope that it can be changed in the future but this is the system as it currently stands.



Active Member
Well Mindark sort of helped by making the payn-inc inserter decay a whole lot less, when you need to reinsert your implant. As for L-rings? Valuable? Which one?