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The Hub


New Member
First love Cyrene, fantastic release, very few problems considering its a brand new planet.

Now for the Hub: I totally sucked at it. Tried out the lowest, and got wasted so many times, I lost count. I got hit for at least double the damage that I was able to do with same weapon, so not sure practice would improve my performance. Seems one guy had different armor and was doing more damage, and no one else had much success.

The outcome is: without being able to practice at low level, I am not likely to return and play in the Hub. The big guys can sit there all day, and waste all, so cant see that without some balance, the hub will be a place for all.

I did mention that I sucked at it, lol, so take that into account.

Also went into the next hub up, hoping for different opponent, but waste of peds, as it was deserted. Maybe needs some indication before you pay the entry, to let you know if there is actually anyone to fight.

Kinda disappointed, as I wouldn't actually mind playing the hub if I had even a small chance of an occasional win.

Any chance of making the first hub a noob experience, and after so many successes, you have to move on? That way the big guys cant spend hours in there gathering tokens, and give the inept amongst us a opportunity to learn.
Same experience here, and I'm really noob at PvP too.. I've tried many times but I've been killed each time after few seconds and didn't had the opportunity to learn anything on how to combat in PvP (was my hope at the beginning).. even if the idea of the Hub is nice!

I hope that the dev-team will introduce some restriction on low-lvl arenas ..so that uber players won't stand there crushing all other noob players to gain tokens too easily... otherwise I won't prolly try again it..


Master Chief

Smuggler - Hibernation
I think that would be a great idea, Even though i was one of the few to kill you a few times CB. And beside that .25 pec arena is kinda high for someone just starting. Why not make an arena where it like 5 pec or even free with armor restrictions so people no names mention the one directly above me can learn how to aim and fire at the click of a button. and instead of buying better weapons from the pvp trader maybe through some items in it like pvp armor, faps, and other goodies that would actually enhance the game so noobs wont rage out of the arena because they aren't getting any kills or even hits.


Active Member
First, is this thread in the wrong section?
Anyway, I like the hub idea, but there are problems which need work on I believe. my suggestions.

Jumping in blind may be a good way to throw ppl into losing their tokens a few times, but I think people should be able to choose a place and right moment to enter instead. This could be by having a wall to drop down from around the edge, for example, into various routes of a maze-like area, maybe.

Groups will always have an advantage over individuals, and I'm not sure how this can be catered for at all. One theoretial way may be to have sections in which only 2 ppl can be at the same time, and in a sort of sequence up towards some 'reward' area, or so. To stop 2 friends from blocking a section, maybe one must kill the other within a minute of activating a 'fight' by both being in the zone, or so... maybe a non-fight results in both players being put back a level in parallel tracks a level below where they were... the incentive is thus to fight and move up!

Also, maybe winning more than 5 times or so (also balance of wins:losses) may force a winner to move up a stage, i.e. challenge a player next up in the 'ladder' of a maze of levels. I realise this may need some clever level design, but my idea may be a good base for a brainstorming and implementation session. This idea is purely my own - I have not seen or heard of anything like this anywhere before!


New Member
Make an arena where everything is free. Like a training arena. You dont waste any peds, but you dont gain any peds either. Its just for training and fun, before you move on to the "real" arenas?