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Wish List THE HUB


New Member
I have a suggestion for the HUB.

In The HUB instance, I would love the weapons that you have to use and armor there is nice but my issue is with the fast decay and repair after 10-12 or so mobs killed.

I love the instance but really get annoyed with having to repair weapon after a few mob kills.

I know players have to buy the equipment to play and ammo bought by player along with removal of MF implant trouble to participate, the thing is the frequent repairing of weapons.

It would go so much more smoother and more fun if weapons lasted a heck of alot longer.

Just a suggestion for any further consideration of developing that area.
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New Member
There are mobs in the hub? Didn't know that (don't like pvp, so I don't go there)

Oh, you should check it out, not all instances are PvP. You can pick and choose.

The one I am doing is the Lurkers one and grinding to get the tokens for the coat.

Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Hey NewYorkRose,

I have a suggestion for the HUB.

In The HUB instance, I would love the weapons that you have to use and armor there is nice but my issue is with the fast decay and repair after 10-12 or so mobs killed.

I love the instance but really get annoyed with having to repair weapon after a few mob kills.

I know players have to buy the equipment to play and ammo bought by player along with removal of MF implant trouble to participate, the thing is the frequent repairing of weapons.

It would go so much more smoother and more fun if weapons lasted a heck of alot longer.

Just a suggestion for any further consideration of developing that area.

It's a bit of a double edged sword in there. This is the only area in the Hub that doesn't have PvP enabled (aside from the vendor areas of course) and hunting in there is not benefiting from the pvp configuration effects as the normal arenas and the proving grounds do, with the benefit of not being able to be hunted yourself.

If enough players are interested, we can adjust this area to work similarly to the proving grounds.

Alternatively there are NPCs in the proving grounds now that are able to be hunted and award extra tokens when killed.

It might be a hard sell, but we could created new TT weapons that have much more TT value and thus have a longer life.

Hopefully there's a happy medium that we can find to please more players for the Hub, these are just some ideas off the top of my head.

For sure it's something that we can look at for the summer VU.



Lifetime Platinum Elite Member
Before disimproving anything, how about implementing the "culmination of the chain mission for the Ryvox the Cypher" first?

Killing approximately 120,000 hub lurkers (for both coats) is an insane grind anyway. The repair break was a welcome change like every 10 minutes. Bring more weapons, repair less often.

Just my 2 PEC.

Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Hey guys,

Instead of more TT value can we increase ammo used per shot to be equal. Players will spend several K in ammo but will freak at an L weapon with 500 TT value.

I think this is reasonable for the TT weapons from the Hub vs raising up the TT value, it's something that we'll take a look at.

Before disimproving anything, how about implementing the "culmination of the chain mission for the Ryvox the Cypher" first?

These aren't mutuality exclusive, the culmination of the Cypher of Ryvox is something that we've been working on balancing with MA as the planned reward is not a Hub exclusive item and would be allowed on all planets.

That being said it's something that we haven't forgotten about, but the reward needs to be right when it's released.
