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The Maneleons


Active Member
Rumors about strange events that have been observed in certain areas of Cyrene arouse the concern and curiosity of many inhabitants of the planet.

It is said that silhouettes of Paneleons with human carteristics have been seen in some valleys of Cyrene. These silhouettes were nicknamed "the Maneleons".

The Maneleons are decried as mutant paneleons, these terrifying monsters would stand on two legs and have two arms.


Some rumors claim that these monsters are the results of mutations resulting from scientific experiments conducted by one or more factions of Cyrene.

It is said that Maneleons would live in caves and come out only very rarely, but seeing one would be a sign of bad omen.

Other rumors claim that the Maneleons are not wild mutants but rather human beings who could be members of an occult faction.


Design made by Sophia Electra Sanders​

However, without concrete evidence of the existence of the Maneleons or some occult faction, it is difficult to say with certainty what they represent or what their intentions are and what they look like.

It is possible that this is simply a myth or an unfounded rumor. Keep in mind that rumors can sometimes be exaggerated or false.

The citizens of Cyrene should strive to remain calm and rational and seek evidence before taking drastic measures or panicking.

Rusty Venture

Back on Cyrene
Title: The Shadowy Silhouettes of Cyrene

Once upon a time on the distant planet of Cyrene, a place filled with breathtaking landscapes and diverse ecosystems, there was a peaceful community of beings who thrived and lived in harmony. The people of Cyrene had their fair share of challenges, but they managed to come together to overcome them. However, one day, unsettling rumors began to spread, sending waves of unease throughout the populace.

Whispers of bizarre events and strange sightings in the remote valleys of Cyrene started circulating among the inhabitants. Tales of silhouettes, known as the Maneleons, seemed to defy logic and reason. These enigmatic figures were believed to be mutated paneleons – creatures that had taken on human-like characteristics, standing on two legs and possessing two arms.


The unsettling rumors grew more specific, suggesting that these monstrous creatures were the result of secret scientific experiments conducted by one or more factions on Cyrene. The Maneleons were said to dwell in hidden caves, rarely venturing out into the open. But when they did, it was a sign of imminent misfortune.

However, there were those who believed that the Maneleons were not wild mutants but humans in disguise. They speculated that these beings might be members of an occult faction, plotting nefarious schemes under the veil of secrecy.


Design made by Sophia Electra Sanders

As the rumors spread like wildfire, fear and suspicion gripped the hearts of Cyrene's inhabitants. The once-peaceful community found itself at the mercy of anxiety and doubt. People started to look over their shoulders, wondering if the Maneleons were lurking in the shadows, waiting to strike.

But as time went on, concrete evidence of the Maneleons or any clandestine faction remained elusive. The inhabitants of Cyrene began to question the veracity of the stories they had heard. Some started to believe that the tales were nothing more than myths or unfounded rumors, magnified by the power of imagination and fear.

The community's leaders called for calm and reason, urging the citizens of Cyrene to seek evidence before giving in to panic or taking drastic measures. They reminded everyone that rumors could often be exaggerated or entirely false, and that the power of the mind could conjure up the most horrifying creatures if left unchecked.

As the people of Cyrene struggled to find the truth behind the Maneleons, they learned a valuable lesson about the power of fear and the importance of rational thinking. The shadowy silhouettes of Cyrene served as a constant reminder that even in a world filled with wonder and mystery, the most significant threat might be the one we create in our own minds.

Rusty Venture

Back on Cyrene
Over time, the people of Cyrene began to focus on their daily lives and the tasks at hand. The rumors of the Maneleons receded into the background, but they were never entirely forgotten. The citizens remained cautious, always keeping an eye out for any sign that the elusive creatures might be more than just a myth.

One day, a young scientist named Lira decided to embark on a journey to the remote valleys where the Maneleons were said to reside. Her curiosity and determination drove her to seek the truth behind the enigmatic creatures. Accompanied by a small team of fellow researchers and explorers, they ventured into the uncharted territories, prepared for whatever they might find.

As they delved deeper into the valleys, Lira's team discovered ancient cave systems hidden beneath the rocky terrain. Carefully, they navigated the dark, winding passages, hoping to find evidence that could prove or disprove the existence of the Maneleons. Days turned into weeks as the team meticulously combed through the caves, documenting their findings and mapping out the underground network.

One fateful day, as Lira was exploring a particularly remote section of the caves, she stumbled upon an unusual chamber. The walls were adorned with strange markings and symbols, seemingly telling a story of a long-forgotten past. At the center of the chamber stood an altar, and upon it, a peculiar artifact – a small, intricately carved statue of a creature that resembled the rumored Maneleons.

Lira's heart raced as she examined the statue, wondering if this could be the evidence they needed to confirm the existence of the mysterious beings. As she turned to leave the chamber, she noticed a faint light coming from a narrow passageway. Intrigued, she followed the light and found herself in a hidden room filled with ancient technology and records.

The discovery was groundbreaking. The records told of a civilization that had once thrived in these valleys, experimenting with genetic manipulation in an attempt to create the perfect beings. The Maneleons were the result of their experiments – a hybrid species born of paneleons and humans.

With the truth finally revealed, Lira and her team returned to their community to share their findings. The people of Cyrene were astonished by the revelation, and the tale of the Maneleons took on a new meaning. They were no longer simply shadowy figures of fear and mystery but a testament to the boundless potential and peril of scientific discovery.

As the years passed, the people of Cyrene learned to embrace the legacy of the Maneleons. They acknowledged the importance of responsible scientific exploration and the need for rational thinking in the face of fear and uncertainty. The once-feared silhouettes became a symbol of the community's growth and resilience, a reminder that the truth was often waiting to be discovered, even in the darkest of shadows.


Active Member
In the past and present of our dimention, there is no trace or evidence of the Maneleons, Lira, or any expedition full of discoveries about the history of the Maneleons and their origins.

These events are imaginary or come from the future, only the creators and architects of Cyrene will be able to decide.

However, the links between Humans and Paneleons are strong, not only can a human tame and have Paneleon pets, but in a way, the Maneleons already exist because...

Humans can literally have paneleons stick to their skins by texturizing their clothes with [Paneleon Texture] made with Paneleon hide and leather or wearing armors named [Paneleon Imperium] [Paneleon Spec Imperium]

Humans can also transform into Paneleon by eating a [Creature Control Capsule - Paneleon Dominant] provided by "Doctor Byler".

Regarding the caves,
The rumors of underground caves still unexplored really exist...






Rusty Venture

Back on Cyrene
As Lira and her team continued to explore the vast network of underground caves, they discovered another hidden realm beneath the surface of Cyrene. In this uncharted territory lived the Zyn'nix, a secretive and reclusive species that had made their home in the deep, dark recesses of the planet. The Zyn'nix had built an intricate and advanced society, unseen by the world above.

The Zyn'nix were a cautious and wary people, reluctant to share their secrets with the outsiders. However, Lira's gentle and patient approach eventually gained their trust. The Zyn'nix revealed that they had been living in fear of the Maneleons for generations, having encountered the creatures on several occasions over the centuries.

The Zyn'nix shared their own accounts of the Maneleons with Lira and her team, recounting stories of terrifying encounters and narrow escapes. They spoke of how the Maneleons were incredibly strong and agile, and although the creatures did not seem to possess any malicious intent, their sheer power and unpredictable behavior posed a significant threat to the Zyn'nix.

As Lira listened to the harrowing tales, she realized that the ancient civilization responsible for the creation of the Maneleons had inadvertently put the Zyn'nix in grave danger. The burden of responsibility weighed heavily upon her, and she knew that she could not leave the Zyn'nix to live in fear any longer.

Lira and her team, along with the Zyn'nix, devised a plan to confront the Maneleons and find a way to coexist peacefully. They believed that if they could establish communication with the creatures, they might be able to reach an understanding that would benefit both species.

Armed with the knowledge and resources of both the Cyreneans and the Zyn'nix, the group ventured deeper into the caves to seek out the Maneleons. After several days of traversing the underground labyrinth, they finally came face-to-face with the elusive creatures.

The initial encounter was tense, as the Maneleons were wary of the intruders. However, Lira and her team demonstrated their peaceful intentions by offering gifts of food and valuable resources. To their surprise and relief, the Maneleons seemed to understand and cautiously accepted their offerings.

Over time, and with great patience, the Cyreneans, the Zyn'nix, and the Maneleons began to communicate and understand one another. They learned that the Maneleons were not inherently dangerous, but merely struggled to control their immense strength and abilities.

As the three species continued to work together, they discovered that the ancient technology left behind by the civilization that created the Maneleons could be used to help the creatures better control their powers. This breakthrough marked the beginning of a new era on Cyrene – one of unity and collaboration.

The once-feared underground caves, home to the Zyn'nix and the Maneleons, became a testament to the power of understanding and cooperation. The people of Cyrene, now forever intertwined with the lives of the Zyn'nix and the Maneleons, vowed to protect and preserve the subterranean world as they ventured forth into a future filled with hope and endless possibilities.