Yeah, I did it. So what?
ok,, this is just a place for new discoveries,,
Someone much more knowlegable and tech savy will create an official thread. But for now,,, lets have all your discoveries in the New "Slightly Reduced" Cyrene. Not to mention your thoughts on what you find. This will be a fun little divergance heading to hard launch.
Thanks Thanatos for the great Map and Info.
I will keep this thread here and updated as a quick referance guide for myself and anyone else that wants to use it.

Edit for Update:
Latest Update UTC 2014-10-27 07:23:06 (TP Addition)
TP's :
Supply Depot = 138851,77552
Rookie Training = 138725,77377
ARC Immigration Zyn = 138694,77656
ARC Immigration Tanhook = 138665,77515
Desert Ruins = 136402,80326
Atlas Hunting Grounds = 138257,76278
Isle de Zel = 138985,75130
Ngu Volcano = 132665,78960
Ice Plateu Outskirts = 135174,75861
Great Plains = 133720,76462
Miner Isles = 134729,78145
Outer Rim = 134458,80467
Mer Beach = 131612,76330
Zyn Forest = 135868,77711
Isle de Zel = 138985,75127
Downed Vehicle Parts: Uknown which Specific parts are at these locations.
P.I.G.V. = 133960,78036 / 133305,77846 /
Lancer = 136174,75787 / 138185,76559 / 132137,75820 / 136808,77787 / 136170,75786
Dragon Fly = 137066,78013 / 136417,76769
Spear = 136340,80388 / 135342,78653
Assorted :
Weapon Ammo Supercharger = 133039,79875
Armor Thigh Piece = 138096,76645
Shoe Piece = 138404,77390
I think the "Ultimate Noob" Challenge area is this island at 138886,76289.
I am not certain, but the spawns are right for it. (Confirmed)
Dr. Nikola = 137098,78584
Lost Soldier = 138117,76352 (naked...just sayin)
Iron Challenges:
Miner Bot: 138920,77511 = Hazy Cryst. , Lysterium, Crude Oil, Olerin, Orange Crystal, Sothorite, Yellow Crystal, Zorn Star.
Daily Token Missions
Req. Officer Wilco = 3 blue crystals = 138350,77719
Capt. Wrigley = Getting Slimed! Kill 20 Jellies = 138694,77659
A.R.C. Ambassador Ravensloft = 5 scrap metal = 138695,77651
Daily Tempo Trials:
Tree Dragon: 137789,77024
Crystal Pede: 138047,77122
Direweed: 137500,77472
Pleak: 138009,77475
Junkbot : 138035,76832
Daily Skills Missions:
Multiple NPC: 138924,77506
Will Andrews : Mine Yellow Crystal- .04 Prospecting skill.
Ron Sophiscus : Craft Enkidd Dire,Pattern Shirt, Ozpyn Filter, Ozpyn Cold Protector, Imperium Cube.
James Henry :
James William :
Achievement unlocker Bot :
Vehicle Master :
Vehicle Master Achievement Bot :
Protocore Destroyer Karamoja :
New Spawn:
Arret = 138371,76896
Alicenies: 136265,79209 / 136800,79292 / 137722,78328
Adamosite: 136623,79251
Acid Root: 137232,79583 / 136640,78815
Blue Crystal: 134393,78247
Yellow Crystal: 137616,76956 / 137537,73331
Green Crystal: 133572,77441 / 134031,78236
Iridium: 133572,77441 / 134048,78025
Olerin: 134214,78094
Zorn Star: 133403,77538
Wiles Stone: 132485,77858
Hazy Crystal: 132256,77878
Ares Head: 132023,79658
And finally, (of course) .. A Bug (or two) :
Bile Jellies : Getting Slimed Mission.
Currently at 136975,78905. Working round in this area to kill 20 Jellies. for some reason only some of them count for the mission. All are L3 Bile Jellyworms. with an occasional lv 8 in the mix. (reposted on official bug thread)
Initiates Laser Pistol is actually a Rifle when equipped.
All of the srtuctures around Dr. Nikola (137098,78584) are sunk into the terrain.
Swimming. all the water is damn near pitch black at any depth.. even when your getting eaten you cant see the mob.. (i tried adjusting my contrast, gamma, brightness. Nothing helped)
The place is looking great Kris. You and the rest of your Team deserve huge Gratz. Thanks for everything.
Someone much more knowlegable and tech savy will create an official thread. But for now,,, lets have all your discoveries in the New "Slightly Reduced" Cyrene. Not to mention your thoughts on what you find. This will be a fun little divergance heading to hard launch.
Thanks Thanatos for the great Map and Info.
I will keep this thread here and updated as a quick referance guide for myself and anyone else that wants to use it.

Edit for Update:
Latest Update UTC 2014-10-27 07:23:06 (TP Addition)
TP's :
Supply Depot = 138851,77552
Rookie Training = 138725,77377
ARC Immigration Zyn = 138694,77656
ARC Immigration Tanhook = 138665,77515
Desert Ruins = 136402,80326
Atlas Hunting Grounds = 138257,76278
Isle de Zel = 138985,75130
Ngu Volcano = 132665,78960
Ice Plateu Outskirts = 135174,75861
Great Plains = 133720,76462
Miner Isles = 134729,78145
Outer Rim = 134458,80467
Mer Beach = 131612,76330
Zyn Forest = 135868,77711
Isle de Zel = 138985,75127
Downed Vehicle Parts: Uknown which Specific parts are at these locations.
P.I.G.V. = 133960,78036 / 133305,77846 /
Lancer = 136174,75787 / 138185,76559 / 132137,75820 / 136808,77787 / 136170,75786
Dragon Fly = 137066,78013 / 136417,76769
Spear = 136340,80388 / 135342,78653
Assorted :
Weapon Ammo Supercharger = 133039,79875
Armor Thigh Piece = 138096,76645
Shoe Piece = 138404,77390
I think the "Ultimate Noob" Challenge area is this island at 138886,76289.
I am not certain, but the spawns are right for it. (Confirmed)
Dr. Nikola = 137098,78584
Lost Soldier = 138117,76352 (naked...just sayin)
Iron Challenges:
Miner Bot: 138920,77511 = Hazy Cryst. , Lysterium, Crude Oil, Olerin, Orange Crystal, Sothorite, Yellow Crystal, Zorn Star.
Daily Token Missions
Req. Officer Wilco = 3 blue crystals = 138350,77719
Capt. Wrigley = Getting Slimed! Kill 20 Jellies = 138694,77659
A.R.C. Ambassador Ravensloft = 5 scrap metal = 138695,77651
Daily Tempo Trials:
Tree Dragon: 137789,77024
Crystal Pede: 138047,77122
Direweed: 137500,77472
Pleak: 138009,77475
Junkbot : 138035,76832
Daily Skills Missions:
Multiple NPC: 138924,77506
Will Andrews : Mine Yellow Crystal- .04 Prospecting skill.
Ron Sophiscus : Craft Enkidd Dire,Pattern Shirt, Ozpyn Filter, Ozpyn Cold Protector, Imperium Cube.
James Henry :
James William :
Achievement unlocker Bot :
Vehicle Master :
Vehicle Master Achievement Bot :
Protocore Destroyer Karamoja :
New Spawn:
Arret = 138371,76896
Alicenies: 136265,79209 / 136800,79292 / 137722,78328
Adamosite: 136623,79251
Acid Root: 137232,79583 / 136640,78815
Blue Crystal: 134393,78247
Yellow Crystal: 137616,76956 / 137537,73331
Green Crystal: 133572,77441 / 134031,78236
Iridium: 133572,77441 / 134048,78025
Olerin: 134214,78094
Zorn Star: 133403,77538
Wiles Stone: 132485,77858
Hazy Crystal: 132256,77878
Ares Head: 132023,79658
And finally, (of course) .. A Bug (or two) :
Bile Jellies : Getting Slimed Mission.
Currently at 136975,78905. Working round in this area to kill 20 Jellies. for some reason only some of them count for the mission. All are L3 Bile Jellyworms. with an occasional lv 8 in the mix. (reposted on official bug thread)
Initiates Laser Pistol is actually a Rifle when equipped.
All of the srtuctures around Dr. Nikola (137098,78584) are sunk into the terrain.
Swimming. all the water is damn near pitch black at any depth.. even when your getting eaten you cant see the mob.. (i tried adjusting my contrast, gamma, brightness. Nothing helped)
The place is looking great Kris. You and the rest of your Team deserve huge Gratz. Thanks for everything.
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