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The new cyrene stable!


Well-Known Member
With the arrival of the latest patch the cyrene stable has moved a bit. Luckily it now is a lot more visable. (I must say the new starting area is a huge improvement over the previous one).

The stable is now located at: [138532, 77267], just northeast of the 0x101 Supply Depot teleporter. It even comes with a permanent visitor so you'll never be alone :)


In celebration of the new update we'll soon host our first event, stay tuned for more info!

Want to learn more about taming, check out this website:

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Rusty Venture

Back on Cyrene
I wish I could have grabbed this at the price! Unfortunately I couldn't convince my brother to invest with me, you're sure to make a fortune.


Well-Known Member
Just a quick update on the stable:

Currently you can't get any buffs because we still need to figure out how it all works this VU.
At the moment i can't say I'm overly thrilled, but we hope to continue our services in the following days.

(Note: it appears that you can 'convert' your pet to Animal Essence at the stable now, but that just sounds wrong)


Well-Known Member

There are some new buffs that can be gotten from a stable, as stable owners we can add three different buffs at a time. The buffs that can be placed are:

Effectplayer coss duration required level
increase run speed (12%) 2 peds 1 day 5
increase run speed (10%) 3 peds 2 days 10
increase run speed (8%) 5 peds 7 days 17
Increased health (5) 2 peds 1 day 7
Increased health (5) 2 peds 1 day 7
Increased health (8) 4 peds 1 day 13
Increased health (12) 40 peds 7 days 20
Increased health (12) 40 peds 7 days 20
Makes pet regain focus faster (12%) 2 peds 1 day 3
Makes pet regain focus faster (17%) 3,2 peds 1 day 6
Makes pet regain focus faster (12%) 5,1 peds 1 day 8
Pet and taming skills increase faster (10%) 2 peds 1 day 4
Pet and taming skills increase faster (10%) 4 peds 1 day 9
Pet and taming skills increase faster (20%) 8 ped 1 day 15

Unfortunately there are some high costs involved for adding the buffs to the stable for a very limited time period.
Right now we're not sure if we can add any buffs to the stable before hard launch, without going broke real soon.
We'll post here if we decide to add a buff to the stable.

To all our loyal customers, we're really sorry for this :(

Paul Jetman Masters

Well-Known Member
Just a quick update on the stable:

Currently you can't get any buffs because we still need to figure out how it all works this VU.
At the moment i can't say I'm overly thrilled, but we hope to continue our services in the following days.

(Note: it appears that you can 'convert' your pet to Animal Essence at the stable now, but that just sounds wrong)

sounds like you just stick your pet in a blender, nice


There are some new buffs that can be gotten from a stable, as stable owners we can add three different buffs at a time. The buffs that can be placed are:

Effectplayer coss duration required level
increase run speed (12%) 2 peds 1 day 5
increase run speed (10%) 3 peds 2 days 10
increase run speed (8%) 5 peds 7 days 17
Increased health (5) 2 peds 1 day 7
Increased health (5) 2 peds 1 day 7
Increased health (8) 4 peds 1 day 13
Increased health (12) 40 peds 7 days 20
Increased health (12) 40 peds 7 days 20
Makes pet regain focus faster (12%) 2 peds 1 day 3
Makes pet regain focus faster (17%) 3,2 peds 1 day 6
Makes pet regain focus faster (12%) 5,1 peds 1 day 8
Pet and taming skills increase faster (10%) 2 peds 1 day 4
Pet and taming skills increase faster (10%) 4 peds 1 day 9
Pet and taming skills increase faster (20%) 8 ped 1 day 15

Unfortunately there are some high costs involved for adding the buffs to the stable for a very limited time period.
Right now we're not sure if we can add any buffs to the stable before hard launch, without going broke real soon.
We'll post here if we decide to add a buff to the stable.

To all our loyal customers, we're really sorry for this :(

maybe run a poll and see what people would like? i have no pet so i can't suggest


Active Member
hmmmm - I've thought about it a bit and think while pets are generally now climbing up past level 7 that you should go for the lower level ones, especially the 5 health one that the stable owner gets for 15 days.
I see no point in the short-duration ones for the stable owner (3 days) - they are massively inefficient compared to 15/30 days.


Well-Known Member
We've now added the buff: Pet and taming skills increase faster (10%)

If it is close to break even for us (at least one buff every 2 days), we'll add another buff. If it's a loss the stable will be closed until a future update.


Active Member
Incredible. Stable owners payed big money to buy one. Its not even a stable like the old days. And now they also have to pay to add buffs?

Paul Jetman Masters

Well-Known Member
Incredible. Stable owners payed big money to buy one. Its not even a stable like the old days. And now they also have to pay to add buffs?
im guessing they pay in essence? if so it might start pricey and hopefully drop when essence becomes more available.


Active Member
Hi - just a few questions if I may to see how MA are treating its "rare + valued?" customers these days, i.e. those who have expensive shops, stables, MS, equus quads, etc etc.
Are stable owners now getting 100% of the income from stables (but have to pay to get the buffs in) and is it paid out daily or weekly? Can you see which buffs have been bought (if you only have 1 on offer then it's clear ofc, but is that income labelled per buff)?
Were you informed of the changes with more information in any way?

Paul Jetman Masters

Well-Known Member
Hi - just a few questions if I may to see how MA are treating its "rare + valued?" customers these days, i.e. those who have expensive shops, stables, MS, equus quads, etc etc.
Are stable owners now getting 100% of the income from stables (but have to pay to get the buffs in) and is it paid out daily or weekly? Can you see which buffs have been bought (if you only have 1 on offer then it's clear ofc, but is that income labelled per buff)?
Were you informed of the changes with more information in any way?
i was wondering this, i'd be fairly peeved if it was changed to this with no warning whatsoever