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The New Hub :( and other things.


Active Member
Why did you make the Hub with the beast PvP? TERRIBLE idea.

The mobs in there are just modified frogs / lurkers, and being so jump around a lot. Their hit box is a bit 'odd' being polite. I have been aiming straight at them, their health bar 'highlighted / on' whatever you want to call it, shot at it and nothing. No hit, no miss, it's just like firing your gun into the air. Being you made it PvP now, that burns ammo and decays the gun. They hop around so even when they are right on top of you and you are shooting, they bob out of your aim zone and there goes another wasted round. Do we really want to add yet another ped suck to a planet that already has a bad rep for being a ped burner?

Now lets add to this the fact they have shit loot. Ok, so I burn half a ped in ammo and decay for what? to get 3 - 9 tokens IF I am lucky? Maybe some ammo or more likely blazar fragments?

Many people are becoming unhappy with Cyrene lately because they see the planet as being a ped suck. Myself included. I know of 3 people who have left the planet already because of this and one more who I talked to yesterday and told them perhaps they should sleep on it a night before packing everything and moving, even though deep down I knew they were right. I slept on it, am still not happy about it which is why I am writing this here.

I think removing the PvP component of the Beast zone in the hub would really be the best thing to do on the players behalf. I know I won't be going in there anymore with it like this.

It isn't just this, it's a lot of little things that are turning people away in disgust from this place. The HEART healing tool is another I hear a lot of complaints on. From what I am told, it's stats are extremely poor compared to a regular Heart. People threw a lot of ped and some time into earning one of these things and it turns out to be a poor piece of crap? Now lets throw in missions that are still broke, the no christmas present issue, the ten event? and other things that keep piling up and all folks seem to hear from Cyrene is; "were looking into it".

When you go live, your little hand full of fanboys you got here are NOT going to lose enough ped to support your planet. You really need to work on this or you are going to end up like so many other planets that basically did the same thing.

Maybe that's what the Nova fragments in loot are a reminder of. Planet partners that burned bright as a sun when their planet opened up, but quickly faded away until they are little more than a burned out piece of rock with little to no use. I really don't want to see that happen here.



The VI stge fap is actually really great...

10.5 heal/sec
17.68 heal/pec

Just saying that comapred to regular S.I. Heart fap its way better so you msut have been missinfomed.



Active Member
I hear you but as I said a while back for many I think why Cyrene is a big hit right now is due to many of the 'exploits' the planet has and how easy it is to make money all the while Cyrene is loosing money left and right. I think a lot will start to move away from Cyrene as they fix these issues. All the while of course bring in more and more people as well as the planet gets more stable and fun again to play.


Well-Known Member
Odd, i really like the new HUB area, and the fap. And i've seen several people from my FL coming to cyrene for the fap.
Are you sure you aren't having an off day?


Active Member
Im not having an off day Harmony. The ped you spend in the beast area of the hub is a LOT for 5 to 7 tokens. The other loot you get there is very weak too, plenty of blazar, and occasional ammo. Also being PvP every shot counts, intentional or not. that alone is a terrible ped kill. The way those things jump around it's difficult to keep a bead on them and 'taking your time' is a nasty beat down. Yes it is nice to be able to get tokens without having to wait 2 hours for the beast to spawn but when you look at the cost to get say 200 tokens, it 's tremendous.

As for the FAP, I am not at that level but had heard some folks yesterday telling me they are not that good. That I was just passing along info if you read my post. My other points are valid, missions still bugged after a long long time, christmas they're trying to ignore and hope it goes away. Things like that are what people remember.



I went to the Pit today and tried hunting those mobs.

Very small sample: 80.27 ped total cost
Total TT loot: 66.67 and 537 tokens

So 83% TT returns - imo not bad for such a small sample - i am guessing with the eco the HUB guns have (~2.84-2.86) you should end around 90-92% TT returns long term.

Small help tip to Sluggo that might help him in the Pit. From what i read you have "move to target when ineracting" turned off in options. Just turn it on, go into first person mode OR into over the shoulder mode (to have crosshair), select target before shooting: and now you will NEVER make a shot that is not hitting mob. To counter "jumping" - press r-mouse clicked all the time during shooting and "help manually" the autoaiming feautre ;).


I see other big problem there though: the HUB fap is suited for inside pvp zones (there it heals 40hp for 5pec due to 10% cost reduction) but outside it heals 40hp for 50pec! - thats highly uneco. So there is a big "no no" for healing there ;).

Temp solution - buy 25 pec token entry zone, and every time you need healing just go out of the pit - walk there and get close the pvp zone enterance but not enter it - you will get free autoheal worth 110hp ;). Of course it is troublesome but temp solution.



Active Member
The auto aim does work to some extent but you still always seem to take an 'extra shot' after the mob is dead. Maybe it's just the delay / lag but it seems the critter keels over and an extra shot and ammo is burned. That adds up after a while. Do we REALLY need it PvP in there? What is the advantage? NONE to us. All it does is create yet another ped suck to siphon money to Cyrene for every accidental shot or extra because you are on auto shot.

Another thing? Is it lootable PvP meaning we can kill the critter then I can kill you and take your stuff? I didn't check that. If it is not lootable then why bother? You want to PvP go into the proving grounds or any other arena. If it is lootable then that totally makes it not worth it anymore.

Do away with the PvP. The mobs will still work right w/o it and being able to see people on the radar in that room is moot.



Active Member
Do we REALLY need it PvP in there? What is the advantage? NONE to us. All it does is create yet another ped suck to siphon money to Cyrene for every accidental shot or extra because you are on auto shot.

Wait a sec? I thought the HUB was created for player to do PVP in?

Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Hey guys,

The initial redo for the Pit was based on the fact we wanted to add in the PvP System to it, which is comprised of two parts which is sort of all or nothing: Entry Fee / Kill Reward and Cost Reduction of 90%. Unfortunately the PvP System does not play nice with the looting of creatures, so you could go in, it would act like an arena area, but you couldn't get loot. So we ended up reverting it to just a normal PvP area (and not a lootable PvP Area).

We'll be working on improving all the PvP Areas and trying to , but for the Mini Patch the Pit will no longer be a PvP Zone. For the next VU if we can't find a permanent solution we'll be trying to implement a repeatable mission that will give back some compensation to the players hunting in the Pit.



Active Member
Maybe a mission for the mobs in there, not so much a killpoint but like an Iron misison, Kill X and get skills or tokens or something or universal ammo. That way those that do hunt are rewarded back somewhat.



Active Member
Maybe a mission for the mobs in there, not so much a killpoint but like an Iron misison, Kill X and get skills or tokens or something or universal ammo. That way those that do hunt are rewarded back somewhat.


Edit: oztwo some areas are PvP but not the entire thing. If you want people killing people that's fine but throwing mobs in there too, that is just too much enticement for folks to troll. I wait until you get the mob just about 50 percent, kill your ass off then finish the mob and loot it at discounted ammo spent. You cry, then I say PvP it's legit... see where that is going? Granted it may be worth it for these low level mobs but the potential is there to harrass.
