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The truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth? Dear C-team...


Well-Known Member
Isn't this how it will be? You complete your badges, unlock the trader, and that's it (L) armor anytime you want. no?

I think I'm missing something :/

chances are itll be in a vendor like caly tokens. probably be only 1-3 add to it in randomish intervals. which will limit the effect on the over all eco.

more than likey it will be totaly empty each time someone goes to buy a piece as people will camp it to resell.

hopefully i am wrong and there is a nice stock but i am not expecting it. i doubt that getting the 200 badges means getting the new L armor now only the ability to access the vendor that sells them and a chance to stand by it till one item gets restocked and race to click buy before the people next to you.

EDIT: just to be clear i could be totally wrong about the above :)


Active Member
It will be interesting to see what comes of this. Yes, Cyrene staff is suddenly very quiet it seems. I wonder if they are going to hibernate until after the VU and then say, sorry it's a done deal, we cant change it now.

I am sure that they can't just say ok, we will just snap our fingers and not do this. Given VU's need programming etc, and last minute stuff thrown at MA to implement, err probably not a very good idea considering how buggy a lot of their crap is that they did not last minute yank circle on.

Let's hope they do the right thing here.

I would be careful before attacking cyrene devs before knowing everything. Just a piece of history:

When arkadia devs suddenly stopped giving free heals at the shared loot Oratan events everyone wanted an explanation, Planet Arkadia devs said MA banned them from giving free heals because of the Evade farmers that joined the event. When asked, support replied they had nothing to do with it and this was an "Arkadian dev team" thing.

So just calm down, share your disagreement with cyrene devs and wait for what's coming.

What else can we do, have read the EULA? they can change whatever they want at any time without a warning.


Well-Known Member
I would be careful before attacking cyrene devs before knowing everything. Just a piece of history:

When arkadia devs suddenly stopped giving free heals at the shared loot Oratan events everyone wanted an explanation, Planet Arkadia devs said MA banned them from giving free heals because of the Evade farmers that joined the event. When asked, support replied they had nothing to do with it and this was an "Arkadian dev team" thing.

So just calm down, share your disagreement with cyrene devs and wait for what's coming.

What else can we do, have read the EULA? they can change whatever they want at any time without a warning.

i am not going to re read this thread but from my spotty memory i dont remember an attack actually most seem pretty restrained compared to some reactions ive seen about things changing in entropia and other games.

not the actual removing of the armor but the info that they were removing it is all that bothers me and done on a friday :)

but yeah eula is eula and not much we can do completely with in their rights to do this

editied for bad joke in poor taste :p
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Active Member
Isn't this how it will be? You complete your badges, unlock the trader, and that's it (L) armor anytime you want. no?

I think I'm missing something :/

You've missed the part where they are tradeable. So you unlock the trader with a gazillion shrapnel. You buy 2k sets of armor and sell the parts tt+3 on Calypso. When more traders do this price drops to tt+2 and tt+1 and then you can shout on the street for full sets for tt +5, until everybody has one and price drops to tt+0,50 for a full set. You dump the rest of the armor sets that you couldn't sell in the trade terminal.
effect: Any L or UL armor with similar or lesser protection won't sell ever again.
It could also be that there are only 200 in the trader.. so you buy all of them and repeat it at every version update. Effect: Nobody has the armor on cyrene, to get one you need to buy it from caly auction.

The second effect of both possibilities is that nobody will ever do the mission again, because they can get a full set for tt+5 on caly.

Tradeable mixed with 'for tt' is a very bad idea.


Active Member
Unless they limited it to one a week / month / per 200 badges or something like that. From cyrene's point of view the more of these L they get out there the better, because I am sure that somewhere some of that decay on it comes back at them, so it's a money thing. Let's not for a second pretend ANY of this stuff is not money driven. How it affects the players, is not so much of a worry. The rich are the 'haves' and the less rich are the 'have nots' it's always been that way and I don't see it changing really.



New Member
I would be careful before attacking cyrene devs before knowing everything. Just a piece of history:

When arkadia devs suddenly stopped giving free heals at the shared loot Oratan events everyone wanted an explanation, Planet Arkadia devs said MA banned them from giving free heals because of the Evade farmers that joined the event. When asked, support replied they had nothing to do with it and this was an "Arkadian dev team" thing.

So just calm down, share your disagreement with cyrene devs and wait for what's coming.

What else can we do, have read the EULA? they can change whatever they want at any time without a warning.

That's quite funny how MindArk released Hogglo Diablo for evade farm, which was quite enormous and easy leveling.


Active Member
So how does it work now? Can you buy up unlimited new [L] armors? or is the trader empty like always?
Kris promise delivered? Is there another npc where you can get the old armor? or ?

Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Hey Spawn,

Things will be more clear when the Mini Patch rolls out but here's the short list:

Can you buy up unlimited new [L] armors? or is the trader empty like always?

From what I've seen so far the vendor has been steadily filling up.

Kris promise delivered?

I talk about it here: >>LINK<<

Is there another npc where you can get the old armor?

That's the plan for the Mini Patch.


EDIT: formatting

Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Hey guys,

I'm checking with MA to see about the refill rate of these items.



Active Member
Hey guys,

I'm checking with MA to see about the refill rate of these items.

No matter their refill rate. People will still monopolize them if they are tradeable. Please Kris, consider making all the items from a.r.c faction not tradeable or adding a limit per day to prevent one player from buying the whole stock.