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There are no UL weapons for UL vouchers


New Member
I looted an UL A.R.C 2 Voucher a few months ago from a Vet - yippee! So I put crafters in work for Imperium cubes, gathered up Cyrene Tokens and started grinding for the 400 A.R.C badges I was short on.

Cost for the UL cube I now have in inventory ~250 ped total
Time taken to grind the A.R.C badges: 3 months (30 minutes daily, so ~45 hours)

Oh BOY! was I dissappointed today when I finally hit 500 A.R.C badges, went to the A.R.C Vendor 2 in the HUB and NO v.26b was there waiting for me :(:(

I like Cyrene, and have promoted it to folks in my soc. But this was a hard blow - hard work, costly grind, no reward in the end. Extremely unsatisfying.

What were you thinking when you added UL vouchers to the loot pool, but with no UL guns to pair them with?

Can you please add UL gear to the A.R.C Vendors ASAP, same amount as UL Vouchers and weapon cubes in existence? No players should have to go through this again - ever. It's really bad customer service, not to speak of retention of players.


New Member
Others have been tricked into the same situation as well? Horrible! I asked here on the forum a couple months ago about the UL guns, and one person said it's almost certain there'd be a weapon waiting now that they've added vouchers. The whole thing smells bad - tricking people into long grinds with empty promises. I've had the impression that Kris and the team were making an effort on Cyrene, but now I am not sure. Is Mindark the problem here, then?


New Member
Its not false promised, you Were just asking on wrong people. I ask on peoples about what advantage collecting A. R. C badges and got answer for same on condition as yours. That items are rstockable and better chance to get it rather than items on CMT vendor.
However, I agree if there is 'need' improvement on this matter.
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New Member
Apologies to the Cyrene team, then. However, the situation is still below acceptable. Are we who've got a voucher, required to use our time to check and re-check the vendor in case MA had a good day and decided to add some weapons?
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Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Hey guys,

Some good discussion and clarification in this thread from seasoned players. I'd like to touch on a few points:

That items are rstockable and better chance to get it rather than items on CMT vendor.
However, I agree if there is 'need' improvement on this matter.

200% in agreement on this as well, it shouldn't be that players have currency and can't spend it because there's nothing to buy (either A.R.C. Vendors or CMT).

Apologies to the Cyrene team, then. However, the situation is still below acceptable. Are we who've got a voucher, required to use our time to check and re-check the vendor in case MA had a good day and decided to add some weapons?

We've been wrestling with this for a minute now, and it's not a simple situation, as there is a myriad of ways to get weapons in EU, and they all have to be in balance, but we've been working with MA to try and make this better for players while still keeping it to the vendor system, and we're still iterating. I'll let everyone know about any vendor changes ASAP.



New Member
Thanks for your answer, Kris. I'm sure you and the Cyrene team are doing your very best. I'm left with the feeling that MA is constantly puttint planet partners in the back row, which is a real shame. I love Cyrene and will continue to hunt here.


This is a catch 22 really. In one hand, players complain because they cant get vouchers. You increase the drop rates of vouchers, people expect to have weapons in the vendors even though it might take them months to grind for badges. But by increasing the drop rate of vouchers, people that already grinded the badges and loot a voucher will go there and get the guns, as you should.

Not that costly nor time consuming to grind for badges either. After you get 200 you can easily get 6 a day losing less then 20 ped playing for about 1:30h.

I must be really unlucky, got nearly 1100 badges, hunt like hell on Cyrene but only drop L vouchers. Yet some loot UL voucher during their first couple of hours/days in Cyrene. Some bitch that they kill 1000 mobs and dont get a UL voucher. Messed up!
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I've never got any vouchers so I gave up on that particular goal. Congrats on it though. But I get it, its frustrating to grind out a quest on a out of the say planet and nothing. From what I gather in "the old days" all you had to have was 200 badges and you got some sweet UL armor you could trade for shrapnel. Sorry I missed out.