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Thoth Has Crabs!


Active Member
Attention New Players!

Red Thoth Crowley has a bad case of Crabs and needs your help!

Thoth has spent too much time running around Cyrene recklessly jumping on every opportunity he can, and is now paying the price! He needs YOUR help exterminating these pesky little critters!

Sunday, Aug.18th at 01:00 MA time (Sat Aug.17th. 9pm EST) we're running a fun hunt on these monsters in an attempt to "cure the itch"!

We ask that any new players who wish to attend bring RANGED TT CYRENE weapons. We'll be meeting up at 0x101 Supply Depot @ apprx. 12:30 MA time to get organized.

Throughout the hunt we'll be giving away some low level gear as prizes by way of Cyrene and Entropia Universe related TRIVIA QUESTIONS!

ANYONE is welcome to join the hunt however we would like to keep the Trivia and Prizes exclusive to the new players this time around. :)

This event has been brought to you courtesy of Obsidian Society

Thanks for checking us out!

Here's a few hints for prizes:

I ran a crafting run of RV-50's recently.

I have been looting a few guns locally.

I like to keep some things secret.

Chris Spencer Schmidt

Active Member
Nice to see you again makes an event but it is always later. I do not where you live, here in Europe is the Sunday morning 2 or 3 clock. And Cyrene, there are plenty of Europeans to my knowledge. Perhaps you could think about the start times again.


Active Member
Nice to see you again makes an event but it is always later. I do not where you live, here in Europe is the Sunday morning 2 or 3 clock. And Cyrene, there are plenty of Europeans to my knowledge. Perhaps you could think about the start times again.

Unfortunately Thoth and I both have wives, children, and full time jobs. It's hard for us to do anything at other times of the day. Maybe the following weekend we'll try for an earlier start.... order pizza for the families so we don't have to cook dinner or something.



Active Member
See everyone at supply depot tonight! Don't forget, bring your TT ranged weapons of choice!

Considering the continued ridiculousness that ensues when either Menace or I post any opinion on this forum (even after it was all calmed down, or so I thought) I am done with running events from this point forward.

I can't see a point in helping a community this closed, biased, and unfriendly to people with any opinions that differ from their own.


Active Member
From this point (until further notice) Thoth and I will be handling things a bit different. We'll probably just round up some new players as we see them and take them hunting... hand out some "freebies" and ensure they have a good time instead of advertising our plans.

Maybe over time the community will accept the fact that people are going to come and go and they'll grow up a bit. Until that happens however, We're not going to waste time "planning" anything just so 4 individuals can spend all week trying to railroad our plans via defamation of character on the forums.

If any new players on Cyrene are interested in hunting with us and having some fun you're more than welcomed to add me in-game "Rob Menace Klok" and we'll go kill some fresh meat and have some fun!



Active Member
sorry I missed the event, I was off on the time, thought it was today, but was yesterday evening. hope you don't give up and let all the little personal issues bother you.


Active Member
sorry I missed the event, I was off on the time, thought it was today, but was yesterday evening. hope you don't give up and let all the little personal issues bother you.

We're not giving up. Just gonna give the few core community members some time to get a grasp on the reality of Cyrene's evolution before we advertise any further events. Probably a good thing though as we're planning some future events that should make some winners very happy down the road. Once there's a bit more "acceptance" around here we'll probably step beyond simple "team hunts with small give-aways" and take things to a much larger... more fun....level.



Active Member
That's good to hear. :) The community will keep growing, Cyrene has been changing rapidly in lots of ways so I figure we should see some good events happening all around. I hope all the little squabbles amongst the players have been put aside for the great good and that we'll have some fun stuff going on more and more. :p