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PvP Gear Token Vendor Stock

Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Hey guys,

Just wanted to post and let everyone know that the item stock for the follow tokens are available in the Hub:

Reward Token (White)
Reward Token (Green)
Reward Token (Blue)
Reward Token (Purple)
Reward Token (Orange)
Reward Token (Red)

The other Token Vendors that are still awaiting stock are:

Reward Token (Yellow)
Imperium (not Hub related but still on the list to be added)



Pro Miner
Uhm a quick question. Why can the Hub vendors be stocked but we have to wait for an MA client update for Imperium Token vendors to be restocked ?

Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Hey Sn0wst0rms!

I'm not really sure where you got the idea that we have to wait for a client update to get the Imperium Vendors re-stocked. I've been working with MindArk to get all the token vendors filled as quickly as possible, the Hub Vendors have just been filled up first (and are not all the way filled as of yet). I hope that the Imperium Token vendors will be filled up this week.



Pro Miner
Kris, Many thanks for the response. MA support told me so in a support ticket lol and having just read your response, realistically, it seems like MA are drip feeding us...


Active Member
ok, now the pvp tokens aside,,

The imperium token trader seems to have only helmet molds in stock, is there some reason that none of the other molds are not being stocked? And any idea when MA will be getting on the ball with stocking the trader completely?


Pro Miner
Alric just seen your post mate and have fired in a response to MA. They kindly kept the last ticket open so I will post their response as soon as I hear back.



Pro Miner
Keep your knickers on peeps... sounds like a top up is imminent.....

2013-09-11 14:55 Entropia Universe Support:


I've been informed by our team that more molds will be added in the next couple of days.

Entropia Universe Support