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Too Dark at A.R.C. Starter Area

Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Hey guys,

This was originally posted by sluggo here: >>LINK<< but I thought it deserved it's own thread.

Also, sweating panelions [138733, 77780, 100] general area, it's so damned dark here. Even rebooting and stuff it's dark as hell, Why? It's not night time either, it's dark during the day too. Turn the friggin gamma up on this zone or something, lets get some light in here :D

Sunlight Test.JPG
I took this today on the test server at the location (although the paneleons weren't there).

Sunlight Test - Evening.JPG
I then went over to where they do spawn and changed the time to later in the day.

Paneleons Live Server.JPG
Afterwards I went to make sure that it was similar on live servers (although I can't control the time of day on live) and it was still fairly visible.

My settings for this were set as follows

Simple:Graphics Simple.JPG Advanced: Graphics Advanced.JPG

Maybe you could post up a screenshot of this area and your settings to check for discrepancies? It's been too dark at night before on Cyrene and we're striving to have a good balance between light and dark at the same time keeping the game very playable.



Active Member
I Pm'd you some screen shots, and Ill give it a shot at lower graphics resolution see if that lightens it up a bit. Is this something though on an overall we can correct? it's kind of sucky having to degrade your settings to see correctly.

Thank you

Gisela Dawes

Active Member
This darkness issue is particulalrly complicated for the players using EU on window mode, since they can`t adjust the gamma slider on those ocations when it gets too dark for them.

Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Hey guys,

I have received sluggo's screenshots which helped shed some light (pun intended) on the "too dark" issue.

We'll be tweaking this to make it better here on Cyrene for the next PP VU.



Active Member
Hey guys,

I have received sluggo's screenshots which helped shed some light (pun intended) on the "too dark" issue.

We'll be tweaking this to make it better here on Cyrene for the next PP VU.

How about some light sources in the sea.. it's so dark you can't even see your body in third person mode... Let alone the mobs.


Fate Thanatos Themis
i think that it would be cool, that instead of getting darker, all world would become monochromatic :) we got here quite huge moon, so it could give this type of effect.


Active Member
Thantos oddly enough, in high graphics mode that was sort of what was happening, but there was no outlines anymore, it just got that surreal silvery color, ie the gamma thing.

What Gisela Dawes said is spot on, being in windows mode we can't tweak gamma to fix this when it happens which compounds the problem even more.

and NO, not everyone can play in full screen mode, for some reason my client keeps crashing every time I try so windows it is for me. I wish MA could do something to allow us to adjust gamma in windowed mode, as this could solve probably 95 percent of these issues. Well maybe not solve them the correct way but at least give US the tools to tweak around it.



Active Member
I have taken some shots with my graphics set to medium instead of very high across the board and they are MUCH better. This would be awesome in very high, if we could keep the light up


  • medium graphics.jpg
    medium graphics.jpg
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Paul Jetman Masters

Well-Known Member
Thantos oddly enough, in high graphics mode that was sort of what was happening, but there was no outlines anymore, it just got that surreal silvery color, ie the gamma thing.

What Gisela Dawes said is spot on, being in windows mode we can't tweak gamma to fix this when it happens which compounds the problem even more.

and NO, not everyone can play in full screen mode, for some reason my client keeps crashing every time I try so windows it is for me. I wish MA could do something to allow us to adjust gamma in windowed mode, as this could solve probably 95 percent of these issues. Well maybe not solve them the correct way but at least give US the tools to tweak around it.

you can alter gamma for windowed mode using gamma via your graphics card settings, but of course this affects the whole desktop. but i think when i had my old 7870 i was able to alter the gamma for just the 3D performance and leav the desktop untouched.


Active Member
Thank you Jetman, I have done that before with the gamma on the entire screen but have not tried just the 3D stuff yet. I thought 3D was just for when you got those goofy glasses on :D Ill play with it a bit see what happens.

Also, as an FYI even in medium graphics quality it's still dark out here, I even tried it with my other computer using a totally different setup and vid cards. This is an AMD the other one is nVidia Gforce with two 570's and its pretty much the same so that kind of rules out being a card issue i think.



Active Member
Here is another shot, sometimes the only way you can really tell where the mob is at is by looking at the dot on the radar, these of course have the fire snout but still.


  • very dark.jpg
    very dark.jpg
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Active Member
turned up contrast and brightness to max on computer and that helps, but now normal internet browsing is killing my eyes since it feels like I'm staring at the sun when I see white pixels.


Active Member
At least most folks don't have CRT's anymore where that burns in the screen as well.
Still hard on the eyes, yes agreed.
