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Trade channels experiment


Well-Known Member
Decided to test the potential of cyrene trade channels (#cyrenetrade, #cyrene-trade).

During 3 days of advertising (a message every 1-2 hours) I sold:
1x [Aeglic Ring Adjusted]
1x [Ozpyn RSB S1X1]
100k [Mind Essence]
Found 10k sweat in less than 5 minutes.

Trade channels are working, and you have no excuse to spam the main chat.
The only negative is that we have 2 trade channels, so it cause too much spam to have both open.
However most of the sellers post in both channels.


Active Member
Interesting but the number of players subscribed indicates #cyrenetrade has 1/3 more players using it.
And I'd guess the majority of players on the other trade chats are also subscribed to #cyrenetrade

2445 #cyrene
1382 #cyrenetrade
920 #cyrene-trade
51 #cyrene_trade
39 #swunt-cyrene
26 #cyrenefap
22 #cyrenemining​


I actually decided to use only #cyrenetrade and leave #cyrene-trade a while ago. I don't see the point of having 2 trade channel while most likely 99.99% of people having cyrene-trade have the other aswell :)