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Trapped on Planet Cyrene


New Member
Greeting everyone,

Recently I received a transport job to Cyrene. I fly over with my passenger, drop her off, and proceed to advertise for a client back to Caly. However there aren't many people at Supplyx101 (sp?) So I decided to search other population centers.

After jumping twice through the teleporter system, my game crashed. Now I can't log in anymore, as in my game starts loading Cyrene, and a few seconds later CTD. I've reinstalled, turned off sounds/audio, updated my graphics driver, tried safemode and windowed mode. I can not get into Planet Cyrene again.

Now back on Caly, I didn't have great graphical performance, admittedly, but I could run the game. So I'm starting to be inclined to believe it's something about Cyrene's loading or login procedure that's amiss. Or something to do with being from another planet. In any event, my avatar is trapped until some resolution is found to this.

I understand Cyrene is relatively new to the planets, so this may be an unforeseen issue that will take time to resolve. So I will patiently await a fix. Thanks for your time and attention.


I've had that issue a few times, personally 'fix' it by logging in from my netbook once. It's slow, but with 7 64 bit and 4 GB ram which seems to be the main issue on my main pc (which is still running xp 32bit because I'm bored to reinstall everything).

If you don't have access to another computer you could sent a support case and ask to be moved. They won't get you to another planet probably, but chances are it will be enough to get you past the log in crash.

P.S. You might want to join #cyrene, easiest way to find a passenger.

Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member

We're always looking for ways to make Cyrene run a bit smoother without trying to give up too much.

Are you running 64 bit or 32 bit client? When I play I swap back and forth and tend to get more stability out of the 64 bit client.

Any information about where you were and where you were going when the crash occurred could potentially be helpful to us here in trying to narrow down the issue.

If you need any help let me know.


Salo Calypso

New Member
I have had the same issue. I had to use 64 bit client to be able to log in again. (I usually use 32 bit because my hardware monitoring tool does not work with 64 bit)


New Member
I am on the 32 bit client, as for where I'm located, I'm not sure, I am far too unfamiliar with the planet to recall the name of the teleporter I took before I crashed. I may look into the support case thing, I assume that's through Mindark or FPC.

P.S. ty for the #cyrene advice.


I am having the same issue at Cyrene. I usally crash out 5-10 times a day and on 1-2 on thous crashes i cant log back in again. My fix is also to log in on a laptop, funny thing is it is a really shitty laptop, but it gets me in again so i can TP off and then log back in with my other computer. 32 client on my desktop and 64 on laptop, so seems the problem is related to the 32 client.

This happens to me on pretty much any tp. But most common on Supply depot.