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Bug Report Turrelion Settler Clothing

George Skywalker

Active Member
I'm not sure if this is a bug. I'll let you decide. However, to me it does seem like a bug because the colour discrepancy between turrelion clothing icons (in inventory), picture in info discription and actual clothing being worn seems to be quite varied.

PRINT SCREEN 2014-05-19 13-35-8.jpg

The colours in the icon and picture in the info window seem to be lively and full of colour.

The actual clothing I'm wearing though seems to be washed out as if I've been shortchanged and not enough colour was used in it's manufacture.

Have I got a dud copy? Did the person selling his on auction take out the colour and sell that separately! :eek:

What do you think?


What do you think?
I would go to the Inner Turrelion Outpost and try to dig the overall atmosphere there. Whirlwinds of dust, abandoned buildings, ruthless dirty dangerous world.
Pretty washed out too, especially if u look at the loot of the creatures there. :p
In such a place u better wear something less flashy. Otherwise the thugs behind the corners might get a wrong idea there's something valuable in your wallet... ;)

I think it's the info window and icon colors that might need adjusting, the in-world item seems to be "turrelion enough".

George Skywalker

Active Member
Hehe I was going to mention that angle. Washed out look is all good and all that but can still be colourful :) So it's not the icons that need adjusting but the clothes. The clothes still have that stressed dusty look about them due to the texturing...


Active Member
Hey guys,

I'll be looking into to this, at least to try and have more cohesion between the item display and the actual item.

Thanks, if it's not to much to ask. Please take a look also at the Turrelion outerwear sets. The jacket, shoes, looks "washed out" too (more gray than black). Not sure about the females one, I only got the male set.


New Member
If it matters I prefer the set as they look in the info, not the "worn", I need repaired look:)

Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Hey guys,

Please take a look also at the Turrelion outerwear sets. The jacket, shoes, looks "washed out" too (more gray than black).

The Turrelion Outerwear set is intended to be more gray than black =) black is reserved for more special sorts of things in the Entropia Universe but, I will take a look at it.
