imagine if it was RL.......................but then again you may be better off if it was RL
I will definitely keep that in mind.
Oh ... and are you calling the forum Admins fuddie duddies?
I would love to say "nice story" to this .. but I still need to read the other ones.. (just started from ep1)
Nice communication tho
Thanks CB ... and nice to see that you're reading the other episodes. I think it will all make more sense if you have the background and how this particular series about the Zekkonians has progressed. The nice thing about each episode is, we have revealed many things about Cyrene, along with exclusive photos and sketches by our graphics artists.
This way, everyone gets to know Cyrene more before launch, and by the time they're ready to set foot on the planet, they will already have a familiarity for a few things and what to expect.
It seems the anticipation for Planet Cyrene is getting more and more energetic.
I sense that as well Syer, and it's exciting to see. The C-Team is doing their best to share what can be shared before launch to give the community an idea of what to expect, but there's much that won't be discovered until after launch of course. The intensity of the excitement is increasing, and it's a
good thing.
These stories are great. It gives us another way of connecting to the planet. It is one thing I wish Calypso still had. I think it will draw in more players. Many other games have good storylines and it gives the player a purpose and improves their fun.
Hello Dear Arch ... really wonderful to have you here, and thank you for your comment about the stories.
One thing I can say without any hesitation whatsoever, is that the Cyrene storyline is massive, and Ed is SO pro storyline it isn't funny. He LOVES storyline, role-playing, and fan fiction, and we will not be at a loss for
any of it. I also love, respect and appreciate that he allows me the opportunity to write the Covert Ops series, and feeds me parts of the "official" Cyrene storyline to weave into the fabric of the episodes so that we can reveal the uniqueness of Cyrene.
I know we may sound like broken records sometimes when we talk about what's to come, and perhaps me more than anyone else, but being a part of the Cyrene Writing Team, I know what's in store for this community when it comes to Cyrene storyline, both in and out of the game, and I am so excited for
all of us.
I just can't give Ed enough respect and thank yous for what he is doing and has planned, and I can tell you that fun and interesting things are coming with the radio broadcasting as well.
My apologies for not being more specific, but much is in production right now, and I just wanted to let you know that we aren't sitting back and waiting for the launch. Our goal is to consistently keep things rolling, fun, and entertaining.
As far as what's next in the Zekkonians series ... we left you with a cliffhanger on purpose, and you will find out why after launch, because it's going to take us that long to complete production.
In the meantime, please stay tuned to Cyrene Forum for all the updates, and maybe more cool things that our Community Manager will be sharing ... you just never know.
I love cats, can I have a boffin pet?
If I had any say about it ... absolutely!
However, Softy wants a dance team, but we all know it would just be a cover for what she
really wants to do with them.

She can't fool us one bit.