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Bug Report Unreachable Kaisenite Claim


New Member
Hi! I don't know if this is properly classified as a bug, but it's worth looking into, so I will post as a bug report.

Today (09/Dec/2023) as I was mining I dropped a probe very roughly at 136055/79075.
I found a kaisenite claim located at 136101/79119,110 as can be seen by the screenshots provided.

The problem is the claim laid within the pvp area. I tried to summon it outside - I got a message "You cannot summon claims from pvp".
I tried to enter the area in a vehicle - "No vehicles allowed in this area"
Tried to use my TP chip to tp inside the pvp - "Something is jamming the ability to teleport".
I walked around the area twice but found no entrance.
Then I entered the pvp area through the portal at 135992/79031 but it spawned me into a neighbouring area, and I still couldn't access the area where the claim was (See second screenshot from inside pvp area).
At the end I had no choice but to abandon the claim.

Could you possibly come up with some fix for claims popping in that area, so that other people don't end up frustrated and/or confused as I did.

Thank You!


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Active Member
I think it's working as intended (for planet calypso) Sadly rules for Calypso don't work for other planets who are more creative with their land design.

from a calypso pvp4 perspective:

I got a message "You cannot summon claims from pvp".

yes, because otherwise everybody would mine close to pvp4 and get the rare resources.

I tried to enter the area in a vehicle - "No vehicles allowed in this area"

yes because it's pvp, no vehicles allowed to prevent cheaters

Tried to use my TP chip to tp inside the pvp - "Something is jamming the ability to teleport".

yes because its pvp, you can't run as a miner without pvp-ers giving the ability to shoot you and loot you with all your rich mining inventory.

Then I entered the pvp area through the portal at 135992/79031 but it spawned me into a neighbouring area,

creative level design by cyrene, does not work with generic pvp-lootable rules.

Easy fix: turn pvp off planetside and do move pvp-lootable to the hub and adjust missions for it. Pvp lootable is not wanted by the majority of players of this game. Cyrene should realise this, the hubs emptyness reflects it. |The minority of players that like pvp-lootable can do so @ the hub.
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New Member
Spawn I get your point, except that pvp area is not lootable. Anyway lootable or not doesn't matter. The whole problem is there is an area on the planet where mining finds can popup but the players cannot access that area.
I believe the Cyrene team will have it properly sorted.