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Upcoming March vu

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Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Hey guys,

Piggy backing on this thread from redbaron, I'm just going to share a little bit more about what you can expect from the next PP VU here at Planet Cyrene. So without further ado:

Dynamic Upgrade Map Information
-- Panton Jungle - Paneleon Kill Point Mission
-- Paneleon Hunter Jake Hammer is looking for colonists to farm up Paneleon bladders.
-- In Hammer We Trust - A Chain Mission Series from Ranks 1 to 6.
-- Rewards: Various different Skills &/or Attribute Tokens


-- Ice Plateau
-- The Zyn'Nix have come out of hiding now that the players have cleared enough of the Crystal Ice Golems. In honor of this players have earned the right to train like the Zyn'Nix.
-- Zyn'Nix Tempo - 5 Separate Daily Missions with a time limit.
-- Rewards: Various different Skills

ZynNix Mission.PNG

I'm really looking forward to when all areas reach level 1 and the new miner islands are opened to everyone. (note: not this PP VU, but a future PP VU).

Also, we've had a lot of players who wanted us to change the day/night brightness so we've changed it again to be less dark during the night cycle and should increase visibility while not having any effect on the daylight cycle.

Aside from that there have been numerous mission fixes and adjustments for many chain missions as well as dailies.

The last thing I'll touch on for this is a new NPC that has been a long time coming to the Turrelion Docks: Mazeweaver Gisuty Denture! Who will award the achievement related to the WolperTinger.


This has been the short, Cyrene Preview, for the next PP VU.



The last thing I'll touch on for this is a new NPC that has been a long time coming to the Turrelion Docks: Mazeweaver Gisuty Denture! Who will award the achievement related to the WolperTinger.

Loving the name of the new NPC. :clap: http://

Rusty Venture

Back on Cyrene
im not. is an insult imo. i wont be wasting time doig missions first again. doubt i will make tutorials for awhile either. cyrene owes me a hof.

Rusty Venture

Back on Cyrene

Cyrene did not give me the npc i asked for. they even teaae me by making the name similair but obviously not named after me. some combo of me and gelisa who was 2nd place. this post is in reply to the downvote i got about my hating on cyrene even though they "gave me my npc) but they did not. what they did was tease that they could have. just me even more for.my dedication. some other got my hof and now i dont even get an npc named after me. hell gelisa venture would have been okay but not the name.they chose.
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Well-Known Member

Cyrene did not give me the npc i asked for. they even teaae me by making the name similair but obviously not named after me. some stupid combo of me and gelisa who was 2nd place. this post is in reply to the downvote i got about my hating on cyrene even though they "gave me my npc) but they did not. what they did was tease that they could have. just fucking me even more for.my dedication. some other fucker got my hof and now i dont even get an npc named after me. hell gelisa venture would have been okay but not the name.they chose.

Does you mouth ever open without a complaint coming out of it? Geesh you camped the maze because you hoped you could sell it for a few k profit. It didn't work out that way, get over it! That is hardly dedication, you just completed the maze for a few weeks.

Paul Jetman Masters

Well-Known Member

Cyrene did not give me the npc i asked for. they even teaae me by making the name similair but obviously not named after me. some stupid combo of me and gelisa who was 2nd place. this post is in reply to the downvote i got about my hating on cyrene even though they "gave me my npc) but they did not. what they did was tease that they could have. just fucking me even more for.my dedication. some other fucker got my hof and now i dont even get an npc named after me. hell gelisa venture would have been okay but not the name.they chose.

Honestly i dont think they could have named the NPC after you fully, it would cause confusion having a player with an identical name as an NPC, plus maybe copyright with adult swim, The gelisa Venture may of been ok, but the current method stops claimed ownership of the NPC

i like the mixed name, it's more of an easter egg for the cyrene forum readers, also when you look at it, your name is more noticable than gisela's

Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Hey Rusty,

Cyrene did not give me the npc i asked for. they even teaae me by making the name similair but obviously not named after me.

I'm disappointed that you didn't like that name that was chosen, however, I would like to say that the name is clearly an amalgamation of both yours and Gisela's names. I do think that it's quite similar though.

some stupid combo of me and gelisa who was 2nd place. this post is in reply to the downvote i got about my hating on cyrene even though they "gave me my npc) but they did not. what they did was tease that they could have. just fucking me even more for.my dedication. some other fucker got my hof and now i dont even get an npc named after me. hell gelisa venture would have been okay but not the name.they chose.

I thought about doing Gisela Venture, but that comes with the connotation of marriage and thought it would have been sort of weird.

I feel that Paul Jetman Masters really hits the nail on the head here:

Honestly i dont think they could have named the NPC after you fully, it would cause confusion having a player with an identical name as an NPC, plus maybe copyright with adult swim, The gelisa Venture may of been ok, but the current method stops claimed ownership of the NPC

i like the mixed name, it's more of an easter egg for the cyrene forum readers, also when you look at it, your name is more noticable than gisela's


Rusty Venture

Back on Cyrene
Does you mouth ever open without a complaint coming out of it? Geesh you camped the maze because you hoped you could sell it for a few k profit. It didn't work out that way, get over it! That is hardly dedication, you just completed the maze for a few weeks.
Thats how i do. Logging in every 24 hours without the 23h proper cooldpwn and the glitches... yes i was extremely dedicated
i woke up at 3am 4am 5am etc to do this. and someone else gets the hof. and someone else shares the npc even though i miss.the record for finding a new pet. so yea you harmony. you dont wakeup like you would for a baby like i did for entropia. i wqs etremely dedicated and got over for it. if i waited i would have got the hof...
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Active Member
While I can totally understand Rusty (since he was the first one and the one that lost the HoF he shouldn't have had to share the name), I actually love the name, and just like someone who said it earlier, I think is kinda an Easter Egg, a private joke... something that only people from the "inside circle" can get... somehow gave me a sense of pride when I was able to "decypher" it. :D

Gisela Dawes

Active Member
While I can totally understand Rusty (since he was the first one and the one that lost the HoF he shouldn't have had to share the name), I actually love the name, and just like someone who said it earlier, I think is kinda an Easter Egg, a private joke... something that only people from the "inside circle" can get... somehow gave me a sense of pride when I was able to "decypher" it. :D

The npc that the C-team placed in the turrelion docks is to give an achievement that was suposed to be triggered when you tamed the wolpentinger. But the achievement was bugged and it didnt trigger at all. In fact, we found out about it when i made a thread asking what the last achievement introduced for that vu was. In that same thread, Kris said he would put an npc so rusty and me (the only 2 players that actually tamed a wolpentinger instead of getting it directly in their inventory) could get the achievement. And funnny enough, it was Rusty who said that if they did put the npc it should be named after both of us.


The npc that the C-team placed in the turrelion docks is to give an achievement that was suposed to be triggered when you tamed the wolpentinger. But the achievement was bugged and it didnt trigger at all. In fact, we found out about it when i made a thread asking what the last achievement introduced for that vu was. In that same thread, Kris said he would put an npc so rusty and me (the only 2 players that actually tamed a wolpentinger instead of getting it directly in their inventory) could get the achievement. And funnny enough, it was Rusty who said that if they did put the npc it should be named after both of us.

Unfortunately for him, his suggested name of "RustyVenture AndtoalesserextentGiselaDawes" was too long to display on the npc.
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