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Do you have a date for the next planet partner update?
Kris, it's very nice developing games and all that in this time of the year. It's said developers feel very enthusiastic at this time. Perhaps you feel like that too? and do you reckon your enthusiasm will increase this coming Tuesday such that you'll feel overwhelmed to post around 9-10am on 11th February?
It's not really my place to say when the next VU update will come out. I think a very good indication of when it's close is when the VU Preview comes out =)
You have to warm the butter up a bit first and apply with a soft applicator! Hmmmm on second thought, this sounds like soft porn!!Note to self: Buttering stage seems to have failed. Recommend increasing dosage of butter next time or to use a different brand of butter.
Or use a different tac tic to buttering