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Wish List vehicle concept - smuggler shuttle


Fate Thanatos Themis
Since warp services to cyrene are expensive or not regular, many ppl including me are flying using quads to transport their goods or only themselfs between planets. its cheap, quite fast, but also dangerous. pirates, yes, they are real threat to us ;) (especially while they are using some sort of speed bugs/hacks)
but why do we have to use quads for transportation ?

"Task Force Corp" brings u a solution :p

"SpeedCargo Shuttle" (also called The Smuggler Shuttle) is designed to be fast and efficient in space travels. It's almost 1,5 times faster than any quad! U can outrun any pirate, even trying to use speed tricks!
But be warned: this speed comes with some costs. To rise acceleration and speed, we had to lower its weight, resistance to hits, and also u cant mount any weapon.

This last thing isnt a disadvantage actually, cuz pirates could use those shuttles also...

Order SpeedCargo Shuttle today, ull get Miner Pod at its half price!
Pick TaskForce Corp!! // Joking ofc. :D

Comments on idea are welcomed :) i can make some sort of drawing later if u want to have some fun :p

Nor Alien

Whisker Fish
I have been thinking the same thing.. What I would like is the old hanger ship back, with a bit of an update, add your idea to it and I think it would sell like hot cakes. ;) Although I think I would like to shoot back every now and then. :D


I sense a "Disturbance" in the Force
... pirates, yes, they are real treat to us ;) (especially while they are using some sort of speed bugs/hacks)
but why do we have to use quads for transportation ?

I think you meant to say "threat" but I got a good laugh out of the irony of that statement.

love the idea and would hop on that bandwagon in an instant! :clap:


Fate Thanatos Themis
I think you meant to say "threat" but I got a good laugh out of the irony of that statement.

love the idea and would hop on that bandwagon in an instant! :clap:
yup ur right, spelling :goodbee:
im glad that u guys like this ship idea.