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Bug Report VU 12.8.2 Report Thread


Well-Known Member
So far I have found the following problems arising after the VU12.8.2 update

* Dont Know if this is a bug or the way Cyrene Mining is Done but the Imperium Detectoner X2 (L) only uses 3 Probes at a depth of around 600m, The BP is an Attachment BP requiring level 17.5 - 22.5 max to click, this is a Level 8 Bp and seems like a deeper version of the TT 001 finder, but requires high skill to click. Im not sure how unique mining is here, but it seems incredibly low cost for a 170PED tt finder.

* The Living Vortex Wave Area seems to be bugged once you kill the Vortex none others spawn. and the area becomes empty.

* Attribute Challenge Missions non functional , Lancer Salvage Mission non functional

will update as more problems arise



Well-Known Member
not sure if its just my luck but the swamplurker prime spawn (128522,83345,130) become over run by posion swamplurker's as i kill the primes.

all scout bot type sounds are horribly out of wack.


Fate Thanatos Themis
- atribiutes terminal non functional?
- fenris likes to spawn under the dock's floor and drawn
- skyshatters makes my pc work rly slow, same problem as when dire weed's splash hits face in fpp


Active Member
All Imperium blueprints sold by terminal are limited blueprints with 1 attempt only. It is not a display error as I tried to craft with one of them and it was effectively used after 1 attempt.

It seems it is a bug that has to be fixed to make them unlimited blueprints.

Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Hey guys,

The new challenge missions as well as the A.R.C. Challenge - SwampLurker mission, the Token Attribute Turn-in mission, and the Lancers in need of Salvaging missions should be on now.




Fate Thanatos Themis
Hey guys,

The new challenge missions as well as the A.R.C. Challenge - SwampLurker mission, the Token Attribute Turn-in mission, and the Lancers in need of Salvaging missions should be on now.



-challenges are working - wow stamina tokens :D
-terminal doesnt respond, but i dont have that tokens
-swamplurkers mission avialable and scoring
-lancer mission avialable



Active Member
The spawning of tokens in the "sweaty area" of the hub was announced as fixed recently. I had a look, but found noone and nothing! Does spawning on the live system require fights to fill the pool?
While I'm mentioning it, do you need to be walking or stopped to see a spawned token, and can stuff spawn on walkways etc too?
Final desperate thought: do tokens only show up at some graphics levels? (You never know...). Has anyone on the real server actually found a drop yet?


Well-Known Member
The spawning of tokens in the "sweaty area" of the hub was announced as fixed recently. I had a look, but found noone and nothing! Does spawning on the live system require fights to fill the pool?
While I'm mentioning it, do you need to be walking or stopped to see a spawned token, and can stuff spawn on walkways etc too?
Final desperate thought: do tokens only show up at some graphics levels? (You never know...). Has anyone on the real server actually found a drop yet?

been in there a few time since the annoucement and same issue no people or tokens
sorry, if this is in the known issues, i read something simliar but cannot find it now. Anyway,

None of the TT items have any discription
When revived cannot move properly until i hit the jump button


Well-Known Member
sorry, if this is in the known issues, i read something simliar but cannot find it now. Anyway,

None of the TT items have any discription
When revived cannot move properly until i hit the jump button

just checked out the tt and items do not have any item info if eximaned in the tt interface. but once in inventory i can see the info.


New Member
I arrived on Cyrene after this patch. I talked to the vehicle master. He gave me the Lancer, P.I.G.V., and Spear missions, but not the Dragonfly mission. My friend had the same result.


New Member
Just got down today, and everything I do, I get 3 popup windows at a time, all saying:

An unexpected error have occured in the processing of the following quest/mission:
Code: 0

You may try to repeat the action leading to this error at a later time or contact support for assistance. If contacting support, make sure to supply the information above.

This happens around mission npcs, every probe that is dropped, every extraction click, every time to loot.

3 windows in the middle of the screen for every action is alot of clicking windows closed.


I tried a run of mining, and got nothing but oil and lyst, and I tp'd around a bit. but out of all of my claims, I only see oil and lyst.

Submitted to support, but here in case.