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Bug Report weeds on atlas


New Member
they eat ammo. then disappear... then reappear at full health after killing others (the new one spawns where previous was).

quite strange really

Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Hey mattyo,

they eat ammo. then disappear... then reappear at full health after killing others (the new one spawns where previous was).

quite strange really

I have to agree 100%, this is very strange, I'll ask the team to investigate this and see if we can reproduce this error and see what could be the cause.



New Member
it happened again after re-logging last evening. sometimes the weeds will disappear as the first attack would reach them, the ammo would be spent from my inventory, but subsequent shots would not deplete ammo. After killing 1-2 more weeds, the aforementioned weed would come back on radar, and reappear in its previous location. I was using a corrosive chip III mentor edition (if that means anything at all).

Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Hey guys,

it happened again after re-logging last evening. sometimes the weeds will disappear as the first attack would reach them, the ammo would be spent from my inventory, but subsequent shots would not deplete ammo. After killing 1-2 more weeds, the aforementioned weed would come back on radar, and reappear in its previous location. I was using a corrosive chip III mentor edition (if that means anything at all).

All very good information for us here, thanks a bunch.

Its been like that for a few months now...if you walk backwards they reappear. Make sure you are close before shooting them (dont seem to disappear then).

So it could even be a model issue, we'll check into that as well.

Thanks for all the feedback and information.

This bug is happening to me. ONLY the Atlas weeds and only about 20% of the mobs. I'll shoot them once or twice and they'll wiggle towards me then disappear. Sometimes they disappear after killing but before I can loot them. All other weeds appear fine...well i havent tried PursLane.