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Weekly repeatable missions on Cyrene

Aryana Ary Softheart

Active Member
I'm curious about what missions are repeatable weekly on Planet Cyrene...

Kris mentioned in another post:

"There are 10 missions, outside of the Epic Zorra Chain, that do have weekly repeatable missions, provided you have completed the former ranked missions. Mang Chang is part of those 10, so we can look at adding the 5P1D3R Bots and SkyShatter Robots to that as well in the future."

Can someone list the 10 missions and where they originate from? Also, is the ranked missions the ones "kill 1000... kill 2500..."?

Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member

Okay so that NPC is Exector Andre, and he's located right near the 0x101 Supply Depot TP. (138457, 77194)

He has weekly repeatable missions for the following:
Mang Chang - after " The Heart of the Plains - Rank 5 " is completed.
Imperium - after " Imperium Killer - Rank 5 " is completed.
Swamp Lurker - after " A.R.C. Challenge – 9000 Swamp Lurkers " is completed.
Paneleon - after " A.R.C. Challenge – 9000 Paneleon" is completed.
Crystal Pede - after " A.R.C. Challenge - 50000 Crystal Pedes " is completed.
Imperium Pilot - after " Field Detail - Rank 5 " is completed.
Rhino Beetle - after " Rhino Rampage - Rank 5 " is completed.
Tide Claw - after " A.R.C. Challenge - 50000 Tide Claw Kill Points " is completed.
Dire Weed - after " A.R.C. Challenge – 50000 Dire Weeds " is completed.
Nimet - after " The Nimet Hunter - Rank 6 " is completed.

Each mission rewards a different skill.

All this information was available at Entropiawiki, but I typed it our first because I didn't think to look until the end of this post. All the information on the wiki seems correct as well, so good job maddocks2379!
