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What a let down...

Lady Jennifer

New Member
I am so disappointed with Cyrene.......

Yes it was a soft launch, but having no mobs and no ores and enmatters other than Lyst/oil....

Real real let down, saving stuff for new members? what about all the old school people that came within minutes of the planet opening? We get stuck with Lyst and oil.......

Others and myself are not stuck at a place with a ton of mobs around it, everytime you log in you crash.

I mean just such a let down, what is the point even bringing this out now?

Will any planet partner ever have the common sense on what we as players want?

I think i am going back to Planet Ark, seems like it is the only other good planet after Caly....

If i ever choose to log back in......


Well-Known Member
Wait, you prefer calypso over arkadia, shame on you! :)

Lysterium/oil is mainly a mindark issue though. We had the same problems when arkadia launched. Back then they said enough peds had to be cycled to flush out the lyst/enmatters for the other ones to appear. So better not to do a lot of mining in the beginning.


New Member
you made me so pissed I had to post to tell you to cry a fucken river.. build me a bridge, and walk the F over it... You expect? what?
Patience is something you need in the EU


New Member
Wait, you prefer calypso over arkadia, shame on you! :)

Lysterium/oil is mainly a mindark issue though. We had the same problems when arkadia launched. Back then they said enough peds had to be cycled to flush out the lyst/enmatters for the other ones to appear. So better not to do a lot of mining in the beginning.

well that just shows that cyrene should have learned from the ARK mistakes....
i know many ppl who went for ARK when it launched but the lack on item drops and shitty mining made them leave and they havent been back yet and dont plan on doing so.

maybe cyrene gets lucky and ppl give them a chance... but this soft launch werent a good thing by the way things are.
not many mobs and hardly any chance to mine the stuff needed to complete the missions and then all the craches on top of that.


New Member
All that Cyrene has to offer atm is some mobs with decent visuals. However they may have gone a bit over the top with the particle effects even on those. So yeah major let down. I hope some of the stuff will be fixed BEFORE the hard launch. ^^ Otherwise they will build the full launch and marketing effort on the crumbling base we see right now.
I can't imagine how Cyrene as I have seen it today could be the basis for a sucessfull planet. It would need a lot of tweaking in a short ammount of time and I hope the devs are up for that challenge.


New Member
Kinda in agrement with the fact that mining was poor and the fact that missions dont work... I guess we as players have to wait for them to fix it rather than the developer waiting for everything to stabilize before launching.


New Member
Well, a good thing they did a soft launch and fix the worst bugs and problems before the to the realy launch with marketing and stuff.
What i think is odd.... how can they launch with all tt bps bugged?

George Skywalker

Active Member
In this case I think the failure is with Cyrene team for not lettting us know beforehand most of the planet will be deliberately switched off i.e. not many mobs, planet specific loot etc.

The few missions and mobs we have are bugged. Some of the content is suppoosed to become live when enough people do particular missions etc. It's designed that way. However with the starter missions being bugged we are unlikely to unlock anything...which is unfortunate.

They wouldn't have had so many people pissed of if they had said most content will be switched off until full launch including mobs and loot. Then we would have known what to expect. Expectation management :)


New Member
Yup Yup. Instead of calling this soft launch would have been better to just say it was a chance to see cyrene landscape etc. Which is not a bad thing at all. But today IMO was totally a joke.

Nor Alien

Whisker Fish
I guess its just me, but I like what I see so far. good mining, well quantity wise, and good hunting, again quantity wise. Im up over 200 percent within the first hour..

The scenery is awesome, and I can see the excellent potential of what this planet will become..

No crashes from me and Im running Win 8 lol!!

But I guess thats just me.. :headscratch:
I guess its just me, but I like what I see so far. good mining, well quantity wise, and good hunting, again quantity wise. Im up over 200 percent within the first hour..

The scenery is awesome, and I can see the excellent potential of what this planet will become..

No crashes from me and Im running Win 8 lol!!

But I guess thats just me.. :headscratch:
I would really like to feel what you feel, but I just can't. It's dark beyond conception and it just makes me irritated to play in such a dark, ugly scene.

Nor Alien

Whisker Fish
I would really like to feel what you feel, but I just can't. It's dark beyond conception and it just makes me irritated to play in such a dark, ugly scene.

I would agree with you. I do wish everyone could feel the same way. I would love for everyone to see through my screen, it may just be that Win 8 is better lol, but I doubt that.

I hope you get to see it the way I do. Gl to you and above all have fun. :beerchug:


Things that make you go Hmm!
So far my experience has been pleasant. I didn't come here on the first day expecting miracles. I came to be part of a new experience and birth of a new planet. If you came here spending the ped hoping to get lucky then thats the risk you take. I thank the Cyrene staff for their hard effort and hope the EU Community has the patience to allow the glitches to be worked out.. Im here for the long haul and and know the end result will be worth it in the end.


LOL what part of soft launch did you not understand. I love how i'm not able to go there and log on tonight cause RL sucks and all i can read is whiny bitches instead of seeing what i'd like to see and the only thing i'd expect to actually work on DAY 1!! is what the enviroment and new mobs look like. LOOT WAS GONNA BE SCREWED UP seriously people you didn't get this? This is planet 4 and all other planets before this loot sucked on launch day. Never mind planet launch day every day of a VU loot sucks and is a big gable but FEW people seem to get it through there thick heads.

Walk around and explore thats all you should have expected to do. Maybe kill a mob or two. I dont think Cyrene could have explained soft launch any more then they have.


Staff member
They wouldn't have had so many people pissed of if they had said most content will be switched off until full launch including mobs and loot. Then we would have known what to expect. Expectation management :)

Actually Ed did say that:

EP: You mentioned that the soft launch will not be as extensive as the full release. Would you be able to share some of the things that would be missed during the soft launch period? I.e. will we miss out on a continent? Less mobs/cities/items? Or whole systems that might be missing?

Ed Robles 3: Although we are launching with quite a bit of content, you are correct that some of the content will not be showing up until the full release goes live. This is because we need to keep some things fresh for everyone and keep things fair for the people who have not heard about the game until its intended release.

Some of those include: Certain mobs and missions which lead to obtaining items that unlock quests that will lead to further content, items and story.

We are also thinking about just how many vehicles we will launch with. We currently have seven vehicles that are good to go but we might limit the soft launch to just two. Perhaps a land and air set.



Well-Known Member
None of you read this did you , dont you guys know anything about the mechanics of cyrene, its unique .. in every way nothing like the other planets if you compare , this planet works on the planet evolving while your playing, the less you play the less the environment evolves, more daily missions you do the better Cyrene will become, remember we are like refugees in a dying world, only we the player base have to colonize this planet, the developers made a very unique way of the planet evolving meaning loot protocols will need to be unlocked by the players activity. Ed said this

"The Story of Cyrene is that it's a little known backwater Planet. All of the Missions on the planet are meant to produce effects. If the players concentrate in one area, that area will be quickly changed and improved depending on what is done, or if some other areas are not taken care of, they will change for the worse."

"We know it's not everyone's cup of tea and we appreciate the feedback. It's not done to upset, but rather to feel like the pioneers have truly accomplished something worthwhile that serves the community."

"We have stats for all missions done, and until they are unlocked, some areas will not change. If this is a good, or bad thing, we will wait and see, but for now, it's the decision made. "
Ed Robles 3

wake up everyone , this planet is not like the others it has its own unique mechanics and if you bitch and complain and not work then the planet will surely suffer. But if we work together then things will change before your eyes, the steep mountain ranges will change to nice plains and hills the beaches will become golden and more life will come to Cyrene or mobs will evolve and get more challenging. Each race on Cyrene has there way of Evolution for the planet they all have there own continents. (Edit - some parts on this paragraph i went a bit overboard, but you know what i mean lol)

Its not just content is missing, most of it probably will unlock as we work hard to make this planet a better place.. If you are hoping the developers doing all the work and the players only contributing to the player economy and not the environment and the planet itself, then you wont like it here, this place will change , not in the hands of the developers, its in the hands of the colonists, lets no longer be refugees but lets become colonists.


Agis McKracken