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What a let down...


Vintage Yquem Port
cm'on ppl - why did you have to go here in such a ruch - one and only reason - to get some good stuff - and now when you didnt get it - - - - - -

Cry me a river

There is nothing like

Take a tour to the HuB


Kick Ass Elf
Well I hoped it might go a little more smoothly but ah well. I didn't go in the end. Probably won't for a bit as working on a way to get my little spaceship working in a happier way. If anyone wants to say "hi" they can find me in the Nesoi Makaron space station with my head under the bonnet ;)
Planet Cyrene: does it have a few issues? Yes. But not at all unexpected it's a brand new planet that imo had a great 1st day yes I did a little hunting but mostly explored and fully intend to do more of the same it is an awsome planet with very differant visuals and interesting terrian I myself will stay here and watch and enjoy all the improvments as they come. The society Cyrene Recon And Rescue was intended to be planet Cyrene based and still is. I have made Cyrene my home yes I will visit other planets as usuall but from now on will call my home Cyrene and spend the majority of my time here if any of you expected anything more than day 1 was you had your expections set way to high great job Ed and all of the dev team I look forward to exploring the entire planet over the next few days and weeks and await new content and improvements very patiently as I hope everyone else will as well. Again AWSOME planet time to go log back in and Recon some more :)


New Member
I tried to keep up with all the info and was well aware of the soft launch, mission bugs, lack of mobs etc. I expected some glitches, a few bugs and lag at popular places.

What I saw (or didn't) surprised me beyond belief.

My chat screen was constantly filled with "xx has left" and "xx has joined" messages. Never seen anything like it. People complaining about instability for hours on end but I didn't have any problems at first. Then 4 hours in and I had 11 crashes in 30 minutes. Then lag, then more crashes and gave up.

The state of almost total darkness was a major pain so had to go to full screen and whack gamma right up which caused different problems. Was much better when I could see more than 5m in front of me ;). We found a huge herd of constantly respawning Golems which was great fun - a killer on the decay front but cool for dodge skilling.

Overall it is hard to feel positive about Cyrene as it was such a disapointment. It's one thing opting for a soft launch and quite another to release a product with so many issues that better testing and implementation should have sorted.

I have to give you 8/10 for shooting yourself in the foot but I really hope the future releases quickly show Cyrene at its best.

A xx

Ben Coyote

New Member
Well I've come over From Arkadia on the 5th day since it's opening and I would say this is a work in progress, and not the finished product.. Arkadia was like that when it started a year ago..

Now as for why I can see why people were having so many crashes on Day one, the issue is a simple joke line:

Can you put 300,000+ College students in a small 3 foot squre phone booth?

The Point is People i game are like Sheep. They see a new thing and they rush to it. Doesn't matter if it is anyone from Calypso, Arkadia, or even Rocktropia or Next Island. The result was the same... Everyone Came rushing in and promptly overloaded the servers.

Now as for the Particle effects issue, Is it realy an issue? Not really. The point is that use of particle effects are good but doing too much of a good thing can lead to eye strain..

As for the Mobs? Well this is still debatable. Some of the low end mobs that I tested like the Crystal pededs and the Puny Pleaks are in fact fun to hunt but are there too few mobs? remmeber these are planets in the progress of developing their own content. and nothing is set in stone.

As for the weapons? This is the real let down.. Granted I looked at the stats on these weapons and me and a fellow socmate tested them out. and i even figured out how long these weapons would last.. compared to the cost of said weapons.

I mean who would actually pay almost 5 ped for a flamethrower that burns a meansly 60 BLP ammo and does 5 points of damage (Even when maxed) , with a playability time of jsut 6 to 11 minutes before the weapon breaks. I mean for a player to enjoy a gmae you want to give them the longest playabilty time for their hard paid ped.. and this doesn't matter if it's the Opalo from Calypso or the LAW-101 from Arkadia, or the ZK1 from Rocktropia. The longer you are able to play the more funyou will have and the longer you will stay around. And this is the key factor to keeping players from jumping ship.

Right now the weapons have only a playability factor of 6 to 11 minutes tops. and then you have to pay more PED to get a weapon that breaks at 50%. These weapons should really break at 3% and should be repairable at 3% and not 50. Also the damage is way too low.. I mean a slight tweak to the weapons to increase playabilty and keep folks going until it does break means you will have more people coming back. but until then people won't stay around pure and simple.

As for the loot? That's an MA problem not a cyrene problem. If anythng the issue is primarily an MA problem. But because this is a work in progress, and this is still developign, this shows that this planet does have some potential, but to get th number right on the weapons are going to be the key to keep this players on planet. and keep them interested..

Other than that I was curious.. what is the City of Janus look like Rome? Me and a few socmates were puzzled by this one anomaly in this world where there are exotic creatures dangerous plants, and of course the Dusters (They're Eeeeevil!)

but other than that, I think this planet has potenitla if it listens to the player give feedback on the issues that need to be fixed, and the issues like crashes to be fixed..

So this is not a let down, but a work in progress that just needs to be improved upon.

Benjamin Ben Coyote
a.k.a. "The Blind Sniper."


LOL what part of soft launch did you not understand. I love how i'm not able to go there and log on tonight cause RL sucks and all i can read is whiny bitches instead of seeing what i'd like to see and the only thing i'd expect to actually work on DAY 1!! is what the enviroment and new mobs look like. LOOT WAS GONNA BE SCREWED UP seriously people you didn't get this? This is planet 4 and all other planets before this loot sucked on launch day. Never mind planet launch day every day of a VU loot sucks and is a big gable but FEW people seem to get it through there thick heads.

Walk around and explore thats all you should have expected to do. Maybe kill a mob or two. I dont think Cyrene could have explained soft launch any more then they have.

Very well Said Rex, Very well said.............:beerchug:


Tony "T-Bone" Peralta
If I've learned anything playing EU is that it's overflowing with self-entitled whiners. There ought to be a forum subsection called QQ. Real attractive guys.

Lady Jennifer

New Member
My point is, that Cyrene has nothing to offer anyone... No one has a point in being there.

They have not lost the surrprise, and this planet is now going to be like one of the others that also have failed.

I could launch a planet better than this, it is simple things that your learn in first school....
My point is, that Cyrene has nothing to offer anyone... No one has a point in being there.

They have not lost the surrprise, and this planet is now going to be like one of the others that also have failed.

I could launch a planet better than this, it is simple things that your learn in first school....
No, you couldn't.

I admit I was a bit on the low-side when Planet Cyrene launched, but after putting such petty emotions aside I went out to explore, and what I found was the future of Entropia Universe; with innovative interactions with the mobs, and with great game-design for FPS-play, they have taken Entropia Universe to the next step in evolution. It may not be perfect now, but we did get a taste - and it tasted good.

I would also like to remind you that Planet Cyrene has never operated with the intent to "steal" the citizens of Planet Calypso, nor any other planet; they will market themselves on Comic Con this summer, and this is the reason they launch full later this summer; for the new not-yet-fellow-Entropias to arrive. This is a great business model for them and for MindArk - but most importantly for the existing players; more players equals more money to be cycled equals good.

With the hope of an expanding player base, maybe we can reach that golden age within Entropia Universe that I missed. Because I was eleven. And I was busy smoking with the big guys in the school while vomiting behind it.
Offering up your work and services, albeit imperfect, is not the same thing as genocide. Don't be insensitive.
You never spoke exclusively about the critique of Planet Cyrene, instead you said "EU", thus I have to come to the conclusion that you consider the constant critique on PCF to be "whining".

The point I made was that "whining" and critique are two entirely different things - and I see a lot more of the latter than of the first, and it's just critique, too. Stop being a doormat. Entropia Universe isn't perfect and we as customers - consumers - have a right to raise voices without arrogant people like yourself interpret said critique as "whining".

For the record, I could care less if I sounded insensitive, but then I would come of as "careless". You get it? Careless! Stop being so sensitive.


Tony "T-Bone" Peralta
You never spoke exclusively about the critique of Planet Cyrene, instead you said "EU", thus I have to come to the conclusion that you consider the constant critique on PCF to be "whining".

The point I made was that "whining" and critique are two entirely different things - and I see a lot more of the latter than of the first, and it's just critique, too. Stop being a doormat. Entropia Universe isn't perfect and we as customers - consumers - have a right to raise voices without arrogant people like yourself interpret said critique as "whining".

For the record, I could care less if I sounded insensitive, but then I would come of as "careless". You get it? Careless! Stop being so sensitive.
I may be arrogant, but you are ignorant and dim-witted.

Let's talk context. I posted about whining, in a post started by whining, and I generalized to the pervasiveness of whining throughout the "universe," therefore, my post only applied to whining in EU. Let's not put words in my mouth.

About critique - two things: it can be done properly and it can be done in a child-like and unreasonable fashion. Generally, when done properly, critique can be referred to as "critique", "feedback," "constructive criticism," "complaint," and so on. When done improperly, it is often referred to as "whining." I was referring to the whining.

I have no qualms with proper criticism. In fact, as you'll see, I have at least one post here about the hub, where I more or less criticize it. It's not whining, because, my post isn't filled with unreasonable expectations about a fledgling system. Additionally, you'll actually see that, in my post about the hub, I do refer to other posts with criticism for the Cyrene team. Would that be something an anti-criticism doormat would do?

EU isn't perfect and there are many things I would like to see changed, but there is a right way, as well as an appropriately reasonable time to air your grievances, and there is a wrong way to do the same. I have no respect for those who do it the wrong way, and I have no respect for itchy-fingered keyboard drama queens (like yourself) who add to the spamming on these forums.

Before you reply, know that I desist. I am sure that we could go on back and forth all day, but this has gotten ugly enough for my taste, so I will not reply to whatever you might put up.

In short, I want you and other whiners/drama queens to think before you post. Get a hobby, read a book, watch some TV, do something else, and for everyone's sake, get a stress ball. It will do you some good.

Good day.

MindStar 9

Hoping for the Best
The C-Team is very appreciative of "constructive feedback" as well as suggestions that will help us make the experience on Cyrene better. At the forum in the proper areas is the most efficient way to bring things to our attention that require developer review.

Everyone has their own style of sharing information, and it's best received when it is done "constructively" and not in a negative, or whining way, and for the most part, I believe that has been the case at this forum.

However, it would be appreciated in the course of sharing information that members don't get into personal flaming because they don't agree with what someone else might have said, or to label someone in a way that would incite and direct a thread off-course because of potential personal issues.

In other words ... play nice, and help us make Cyrene better for you! :thumbup: