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What do you LIKE/LOVE about Cyrene?


Things that make you go Hmm!
Hey everyone just want to know some positive stuff. So as your exploring share with us some of your likes! I plan to do alot of exploring so tell me some stuff to look out for! One of my favorites spots is the Janus Gateway

Awesome views and jumping down the waterfall is a blast!!!!!!! Another cool shot but I didnt get to record location is

Love the glowing trees and also seemed like fireflies where flying around.. Alot of the landscape seems magical.. awesome !

MindStar 9

Hoping for the Best
I have to say Calli, that after you and Mac met up with me at the Janus Gateway TP and showed me the ropes with the falls, it quickly became my absolute favorite place. :thumbup:

I can't get over how incredibly HUGE those statutes are on either side of the falls, and how far the jump is to the lower water area. It's also nice that you don't die. I'm speaking of "regular" players, because my official avatar now is invincible, so I can jump to my heart's content all over the place and enjoy some free-falling. :D

One of the other things I enjoyed in our adventures last night was the beach area where the Tideclaws were. I've seen the pics of course, but I never realized that those things were so HUGE. I also really like the animation, but ... what I found incredibly hilarious, was the fact that I could stand face-to-face with those things and after a few seconds, they did almost a dance in a sense with their movement before they ran away from me. :xxxlaugh:

My discovery was (and Ed and I chatted about it a bit today), that being invincible, we can't aggro mobs, sooooo ... while that's one thing I absolutely loved doing in the past, that is now ONE thing that Softy can do that I can't anymore, and that sucks! :rolleyes: I'm sure she'll razz me about it in some way, but that's ok, because she can hunt my purple ass down all she wants, and the only thing she'll get is out of breath, because she can't do anything else. :p

Ed also tried to herd the mobs away from the Turrelion Outpost that was giving people such a hard way to go, but learned himself that we can't aggro mobs. Hey, the effort was made, but I guess we can't have EVERYthing. :thumbup:

I will continue exploring the planet and acquainting myself with what's out there. It's nice to be able to finally be in the environment after writing about it for almost a year now since the June issue of the EntropiaTimes magazine and joining the Cyrene Writing Team in July.

Today I think I'll check out "The Hub" ... Cyrene's exclusive PVP Token System that people are becoming addicted to and talking about all over the place. I've heard great things about it, even though there's some tweaking that I believe needs to be done. It will be interesting to see how this progresses. :)

Here's to many more wonderful discoveries! :beerchug: Thank you for keeping an open mind. :hug:


Active Member
I've been to the planet for an hour now, haven't explored much. But I really liked the single-spawn spawns with fast respawn-rate. It's really useful for solo hunting, and swunting. I really enjoyed the HUB. It's really fun and addictive there :). The TT weapons are great too, loved the way the armor looked, though it's completely useless, only usable as clothing :D. One thing that I didn't like was the FAP from the TT. I think it's a bad choice for new players. It's to uneco compared to herb box. Didn't really get why ya added it. :p
Gonna explore the planet some more tomorrow.


New Member
What i like about Cyrene...

Mean looking mobs (Tide Claw is scary) that die in one or two shots! HAHAHA


Active Member
What i like about Cyrene...

Mean looking mobs (Tide Claw is scary) that die in one or two shots! HAHAHA
Heheh, and they are fun to swunt too. I don't get bored from swunting them. The scaryness keeps it interesting. First time I saw it I ran for my life... then when I saw the damage dealt by it. I Lol'd.


Active Member
I have to say Calli, that after you and Mac met up with me at the Janus Gateway TP and showed me the ropes with the falls, it quickly became my absolute favorite place. :thumbup:

I can't get over how incredibly HUGE those statutes are on either side of the falls, and how far the jump is to the lower water area. It's also nice that you don't die. I'm speaking of "regular" players, because my official avatar now is invincible, so I can jump to my heart's content all over the place and enjoy some free-falling. :D

LOL its amazing, the first place I went was Janus and the first thing I did was jump off the falls!

One of the other things I enjoyed in our adventures last night was the beach area where the Tideclaws were. I've seen the pics of course, but I never realized that those things were so HUGE. I also really like the animation, but ... what I found incredibly hilarious, was the fact that I could stand face-to-face with those things and after a few seconds, they did almost a dance in a sense with their movement before they ran away from me. :xxxlaugh:

When I saw those I said to myself those are going to hurt! But hell, you only live 10,000,000 times here. So I sneaked up on one, shot and :facepalm: LOL you act all though but you all a bunch of pussy's!! :nana:

My discovery was (and Ed and I chatted about it a bit today), that being invincible, we can't aggro mobs, sooooo ... while that's one thing I absolutely loved doing in the past, that is now ONE thing that Softy can do that I can't anymore, and that sucks! :rolleyes: I'm sure she'll razz me about it in some way, but that's ok, because she can hunt my purple ass down all she wants, and the only thing she'll get is out of breath, because she can't do anything else. :p

What the hell you mean you invincible?? LOL I made the comment in society chat that I wanted to mob train the weeds! LOL imagine that video!

Ed also tried to herd the mobs away from the Turrelion Outpost that was giving people such a hard way to go, but learned himself that we can't aggro mobs. Hey, the effort was made, but I guess we can't have EVERYthing. :thumbup:
OMG that was such a disaster! I hope its all fixed now. I must of blew up my vehicles 5 times to get out of there, I get some of the land ones spawned and got into them and hauled ass.............only to get stop and stuck by the barriers :( Looking back it was funny, but being there stuck and nothing worked was a pain in the ass! :)


For what I like and dislike.

I love Janus, expected to see more cities out there like that. Was disappointed there, and also there were no buildings that I found that you could go in and investigate.

I Loved the mobs! LOL didn't find any that I had to equip armor with.

I also love those bright trees :)

The hub was fun for awhile, I made my donation to the PVP fund :) I don't see any reason to unequipped clothes, mask, or the implant so wasn't happy about that.

Disappointed that some of the missions weren't complete or registering.

The worse part for me was that most of the time I was there it was too darn dark(which is a big turn off).....and I spent a good 8+ hours playing yesterday. And of course the outpost.

Ohhhh I forgot there are some annoying sounds with some the the tp areas! Sorry another dislike!

With everything I consider it a very good opening soft beta release :)

MindStar 9

Hoping for the Best
What the hell you mean you invincible??

Well ... listen up Sister Mary Myrna Louise ... being invincible means:
  • I can't be killed :nana:
  • I also can't aggro mobs, which means I can't mob-herd :(
Need I say more? :rolleyes:

For what I like and dislike.

The title of the thread is ... LIKE/LOVE ... not LIKE/DISLIKE! :rofl:

I can offer you an inexpensive translation service if you require it. :D


Active Member
Well ... listen up Sister Mary Myrna Louise ... being invincible means:
  • I can't be killed :nana:
  • I also can't aggro mobs, which means I can't mob-herd :(
Need I say more? :rolleyes:

LOL I know what it means, it was a sarcastic question.

The title of the thread is ... LIKE/LOVE ... not LIKE/DISLIKE! :rofl:

I can offer you an inexpensive translation service if you require it. :D

LOL BITE ME! :nana: Gotta take the pros with the cons :wise:

MindStar 9

Hoping for the Best
LOL I know what it means, it was a sarcastic question.

LOL BITE ME! :nana: Gotta take the pros with the cons :wise:

I'll just let Calli slap you around about that one! :p

And I'll invite you to meet me at the Zelodoth (something or other) TP, because I have something really cool to show you. No really, it's something really cool. :D

Ok Blanche, I have a video and photos to work on, so ... you can BYTE me back. :nana:


Things that make you go Hmm!
ok waterfall LOVE did I say LOVE LOL OMG so much fun!! Cappy, Nasty & I had some fun with the boat and the waterfall :)

sorry my sound wasnt working in theses videos but have now since sorted,darn will have to do these all over again , LOL!


Kick Ass Elf
You been to NI Cali? From first impressions of these pics its prettier and has some excellent cliffs and waterfalls. Worth Checking out for certain if you like exploring


Things that make you go Hmm!
You been to NI Cali? From first impressions of these pics its prettier and has some excellent cliffs and waterfalls. Worth Checking out for certain if you like exploring
Yes I have been to NI 2 times exploring and have numerous photos of NI in my photo blog as well. Yes I agree its quite beautiful and one of my favorite places to go but this thread is what I and other people like/love about Cyrene.. There are enough people posting negative stuff in other threads I want to hear/see what other people are finding positive so if you have found a totally awesome view or fun thing to do on Cyrene please share :) For a soft launch I am having fun exploring a new world and look forward to seeing the changes which will occur.


Active Member
I'll just let Calli slap you around about that one! :p

And I'll invite you to meet me at the Zelodoth (something or other) TP, because I have something really cool to show you. No really, it's something really cool. :D

Ok Blanche, I have a video and photos to work on, so ... you can BYTE me back. :nana:

LOL need someone else to do your dirty work now?

haha I'll meet you anywhere, but have to be on Friday, I may be able to sneak in today.....work permitting.


MindStar 9

Hoping for the Best
LOL need someone else to do your dirty work now?

haha I'll meet you anywhere, but have to be on Friday, I may be able to sneak in today.....work permitting.

I can handle my own thank you very much :nana: ... I just thought it wasn't my place to spank your ass for not following instructions. :p

And ... Ya, Ya, Ya ... your bark and your bite are "puny" and of no significance ... we'll see how fearless you are when I introduce you to a few of MY friends after they are available in-game ... they run from me, but when they see your green dot, it will be like ringing the dinner bell. :D


Active Member
I can handle my own thank you very much :nana: ... I just thought it wasn't my place to spank your ass for not following instructions. :p

And ... Ya, Ya, Ya ... your bark and your bite are "puny" and of no significance ... we'll see how fearless you are when I introduce you to a few of MY friends after they are available in-game ... they run from me, but when they see your green dot, it will be like ringing the dinner bell. :D

:cry_2:I am telling!! Your not playing fair!!