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What goes on behind closed doors?

MindStar 9

Hoping for the Best
The Cyrene Skylabs are quite mysterious, and under tight security, but activities behind closed doors affect us all, so just what DO they do there .


Somebody help Ed and Kris up off the floor please!

You really didn't think I was going to give anything away, did you?

What goes on behind the Cyrene Skylab doors is highly classified right now, and won't be revealed until later on when more of the "official" Cyrene storyline is revealed.

As you know (or should know by now based on some of my posts), I will be developing the "Vida" character who is part of the official Cyrene storyline, and I have made it known that she is a research and development scientist at the Cyrene Skylabs. There are some interesting things going on there, but you'll have to wait to find out the good, the bad, and the ugly.

In the meantime, enjoy the exclusive photos and reveals about Planet Cyrene that have already been posted at the EntropiaPlanets.com forum, as well as future content here at Cyrene Forum. You never know what we're going to surprise you with next.


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MindStar 9

Hoping for the Best
Awe ...
Go on, you know you want to ;)
LOL ... Hey Ace, nice to see you here. :)

And yes, there's LOTS I would like to share with the community, because I'm just that incredibly excited about Cyrene and what we have to look forward to, but unfortunately ... the Boss has the last word on that and determines what will be revealed ... and when. You know how that goes! ;)

Besides, Kris is his look-out man, and he keeps his eye on me ... so I have to feed him a chuckle or two now and then just to keep him on point ... ya know what I mean? :D

In the meantime ... stay tuned to Cyrene Forum because there will be more reveals along the way prior to launch to inspire interest and anxiousness (hopefully) for the planet to hurry up and get here.

Now behave yourself. :p


May I ask for the (unused) real 3D sculptures and landscape models from your mahogany office, to be send via mail to me ?
Bulky luggage is no problem. Skoal!


Seeking Project Entropia
Skylab? Lord British's dad spent some time on one of those... Lord British himself later spent time on something similar.
Ah, the pleasures of being a *real* millionaire gamer!

The image is reminescent of the city of Stratos in The Cloud Minders, an episode of the original STAR TREK

Here's hoping those living and working above Cyrene are more well behaved!


Event Promoter
I'd like to reserve a parking spot at the skylabs now please, I will require a cheese spread and at least three bottles of your best Merlot upon my arrival. Thank you for your prompt preparations.

MindStar 9

Hoping for the Best
I'd like to reserve a parking spot at the skylabs now please, I will require a cheese spread and at least three bottles of your best Merlot upon my arrival. Thank you for your prompt preparations.
That's some request there my friend :eek: (and nice to see you here btw :clap:) ... but unfortunately, I can tell you with a bit of confidence that these are items that even the Cyrene Skylabs would have to send out for, because I'm relatively certain that what's on the current menu you may not want to step up to the plate for. :D

However, I can tell you also with great confidence, that there are definitely some interesting things going on at the Skylabs for sure. As I get more into Vida's character development, I'm realizing just how unique this part of the storyline is as it relates to her research at the Skylabs, and how it affects other and moe expanding parts of the storyline.

There are so many secrets and twists and turns involved that it shrouds the storyline in mystery and intrigue, and it's going to be fun to play it out over time, both through the official writing projects, but also the role-playing covert ops storytelling with MS9 and the Senator which will continue to reveal more about Cyrene.

When Ed and I have time for Skype sessions and storyline work, it's a whole different world that we step into for sure, and I'm riding the rails that branch off into so many directions it's hard to keep up at times, BUT ... the more involved I get, the more excited I become about Cyrene and what's in store.

I really love that Ed is so steeped in storyline and integrating it with so many elements of the planet, as well as outside projects, but then ... I've known from the beginning what a huge fan he is of role-playing and fan fiction and how he wants to incorporate it as much as possible.

Anyway ... I'll have to check with Vida to see if we can do something with at least one of your requests - she's a rather accommodating creature in certain respects, so who knows. ;)


Event Promoter
That's some request there my friend :eek: (and nice to see you here btw :clap:) ... but unfortunately, I can tell you with a bit of confidence that these are items that even the Cyrene Skylabs would have to send out for, because I'm relatively certain that what's on the current menu you may not want to step up to the plate for. :D

However, I can tell you also with great confidence, that there are definitely some interesting things going on at the Skylabs for sure, and as I get more into Vida's character development, I'm realizing just how unique this part of the storyline is as it relates to her research at the Skylabs.

There are so many secrets and twists and turns involved that it shrouds the storyline in mystery and intrigue, and it's going to be fun to play it out over time, both through the official writing projects, but also the role-playing covert ops storytelling with MS9 and the Senator which will continue to reveal more about Cyrene.

When Ed and I have time for Skype sessions and storyline work, it's a whole different world that we step into for sure, and I'm riding the rails that branch off into so many directions it's hard to keep up at times, BUT ... the more involved I get, the more excited I become about Cyrene and what's in store.

I really love that Ed is so steeped in storyline and integrating it with so many elements of the planet, as well as outside projects, but then ... I've known from the beginning what a huge fan he is of role-playing and fan fiction and how he wants to incorporate it as much as possible.

Anyway ... I'll have to check with Vida to see if we can do something with at least one of your requests - she's a rather accommodating creature in certain respects, so who knows. ;)

Glad to be here, and always love the spin you put on things :D Looking forward to some new exciting developments with Cyrene and the storyline!!

MindStar 9

Hoping for the Best
That really is a cool pic

Yes it is, and I can't wait to stand in awe in person.

Vida (the first character I'm developing) is in charge of the SkyLabs, and I can tell you that what's going on behind those doors right now will have an effect on so many other areas of the planet and its storyline.

I had a 3 hour storyline session with Ed yesterday (my head is swimming, but in a good way), and I am currently working on Vida's draft for the Chronicles which will be published in the hopefully not too distant future. Vida isn't the only character that will come out of the SkyLabs of course, and I can assure you that there will also be a few surprises. I love a game steeped in history and storyline, and Cyrene is definitely not lacking either.

Ed's brain amazes me and where he's taking the official Cyrene storyline, which he wrote sometime ago btw. The fact that we can take it and be creative in so many other ways is just an enormous bonus. There are separate storylines within the whole storyline which makes it splendidly flexible, and a whole lotta fun! :D

Sorry to go on and on at times, but I get way too excited about this stuff, and I can't wait for it to be here already - I'm sure like a lot of other folks waiting for launch. It's going to be interesting to experience opening day and see first-hand what I've been writing about. :)