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What to Expect for the next Cyrene Planet Partner VU

Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Hey Jetsina,

Can we have some kind of update somewhere on the issues/bugs and what is now genuinely solved, i.e proven in practice?
(dire weed chain bug, oil rig, tameable arret, mining, NPC stocks, etc.)

I'll do my best to break that down here:

Dire Weed Chain Bug - Should be resolved for most players, but I haven't received any more reports about this since the last VU.
Oil Rig - Should be centrally spawning as of the VU.
Tameable Arret - This is some kind of bug on MindArk's end, I haven't received any new information about this yet but it's not something we can fix.
Mining - Seems like a big improvement from the last VU.
NPC Stocks - Again, this isn't something that Planet Cyrene is in control of, MindArk is the one who stocks the vendors.

I'm assuming the bound nature (planned for patch) of vouchers means that the relevant rewards can be made 100% available to those who get enough vouchers. It would be super super annoying to get enough and THEN have to start camping or so!

That's the plan, we want to eliminate campers as well as try to make sure the items are available while still playing within the parameters that MindArk has outlined.



Well-Known Member
Hey Justine,

Before it was set to complete before you to back to Ryvox, as soon as you get the the 5000th kill, all skill rewards should have been delivered at that time the dialog box popped up and nothing would happen when you go talk to Ryvox.

It was not the case. There was nothing about skills reward.

Also: I don't have any power to set players mission counters, I can talk to support and see what options we have though.


I hope MA can help for the patch, it cost to kill 5 000 players and i bet, the achievement will allow us to start the stage 3.

Wait and see :)


New Member
The dire weed mission still pops up dialog box. I came back to planet after a couple months away, killed tide claw --> got a pop up on kill, and a pop up on loot as well. i aborted dire weed mission (which i also did last time i was on planet) and the pop up quit.


Active Member
Thanks for that info mattyo (my like is for the info, not the actual news!).
It does become a real pain when one decides not to cancel a mission out of 'principle' as it did not look like the mission count (high or low) was going to be reinstated - and then have to either live out the rest of your life somewhere else or backtrack on the original decision... maybe little old virtual me shouldn't aspire to having virtual principles? :dunno:
...but that's a slippery slope is it not?