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What's wrong with EL tracker and cyrene?


I always do a check up on EL for my globals, regardless of size of them. Since I missed my first global on cyrene few weeks ago, I've been runnin EL tracker, and even after that nothing I do on cyrene shows up there. I had 2 rare loot ozpyn chon (one of them the tracker screenshoted) and 2 puny globals. None of these are showing on EL. So anything done on cyrene doesn't count?


New Member
I think you need 3 people running tracker to record them. I'm always running it and I noticed some of my globals are missing too.

Edit : I just checked, actually none of my globals have been recorded after june 24.


New Member
same thing for me, tools are working, but most of time the tracker just doesn't see that i'm on cyrene and say localisation unknown.


New Member
Was thinking the same.
Over the past three days Entropia Life has only recorded three globals.
The missed ones (below from chat.log) have all been reported via the Help Center, though as yet no reply:
  • 2015-07-22 05:57:10 [Globals] [] Adrian DistantSun Jones killed a creature (Puny Rhino Beetle) with a value of 52 PED!
  • 2015-07-22 06:30:45 [Globals] [] Adrian DistantSun Jones killed a creature (Weak Rhino Beetle) with a value of 61 PED!
  • 2015-07-22 06:43:49 [Globals] [] Adrian DistantSun Jones killed a creature (Puny Rhino Beetle) with a value of 149 PED!
  • 2015-07-24 13:14:06 [Globals] [] Adrian DistantSun Jones killed a creature (Weak Rhino Beetle) with a value of 81 PED!
  • 2015-07-24 18:54:51 [Globals] [] Adrian DistantSun Jones killed a creature (Puny Rhino Beetle) with a value of 151 PED!
  • 2015-07-24 19:04:11 [Globals] [] Adrian DistantSun Jones killed a creature (Puny Rhino Beetle) with a value of 63 PED!
  • 2015-07-25 13:37:50 [Globals] [] Adrian DistantSun Jones killed a creature (Puny Rhino Beetle) with a value of 114 PED!
I am running the Entropia Life client and even that has only managed to take one screenshot.

If it is that there people clients need to see the global before it is submitted then we need more people to sign up and start running the client.

Also, it would nice if the guys over at Entropia Life were more proactive on replying to their support cases, after all their page says:

"If the global has occured within the last 24 hours, there is a chance we can manually add it to the website. Please submit a support case with name of mob/mineral/item, the value of the global, and the time (approx.) of the global. If you are running the Entropia Tracker Client there is a greater chance we can add the global."​

Though I am yet to see this happen...



Active Member
Entropia Tracker needs I think 3 or 5 people with it running on the planet for it to track your stuff. The program has to see the global come in on 'your' platform to tick off a 'sighting'. Problem is, nobody is on cyrene much anymore, even fewer running the tracker, so there are not enough folks with it active for Cy stuff to count anymore. Many of the 'regulars' are not around anymore on Cyrene for various reasons. They were regularly running the tracker. Them gone, tracker gets erratic.

I always do a check up on EL for my globals, regardless of size of them. Since I missed my first global on cyrene few weeks ago, I've been runnin EL tracker, and even after that nothing I do on cyrene shows up there. I had 2 rare loot ozpyn chon (one of them the tracker screenshoted) and 2 puny globals. None of these are showing on EL. So anything done on cyrene doesn't count?

As rare item HoFs are shown on all planets, it's probably not Cyrene issue. More likely, two HoFs in rapid succession (how much does a crafting click take - ~4.5 seconds?) were interpreted as one.

As for Cyrene globals, it has long been an issue. No matter how many people are running trackers, it's never enough. One guess is EL fails to recognize the game window in some operating systems due to that extra character in planet name. Or I dunno, but it certainly doesn't work well.


Active Member
I never had any problems having it track my Globals / HOF's for the very few I ever got on Cyrene.
For the rapid succession I do not think that is a problem for it, remember it looks at the text log, I have seen it all of the sudden bam bam 4 or 5 hofs come up in the tracker, and then sat back the next 30 seconds watching them finally display in the EU window. I wondered about that as well and it appears it can handle that pretty well.
Lag now, I do not know if that harms it any, but again, given it's looking in text log, that may not be an issue.

Another thing to take into consideration is that just because the entire population of 9 people who still play on cyrene, have trackers, does not mean they have them on, they are logged in, they are on planet etc etc at the time. Given they want people ON planet to grab it, even if someone HOF's, even if it shows universe wide, if there are not enough folks on CY to hit the 3 or 5 (which is it, ill have to go back and read). It may not count it just because of that, I don't know and unfortunately it's not like we can snap our fingers and generate a hot to check it out :D



I think is a planet/client issue, never had this sort of problem on Arkadia, even if I had a puny global on fart it was recorded.

Paul Jetman Masters

Well-Known Member
Was thinking the same.

"If the global has occured within the last 24 hours, there is a chance we can manually add it to the website. Please submit a support case with name of mob/mineral/item, the value of the global, and the time (approx.) of the global. If you are running the Entropia Tracker Client there is a greater chance we can add the global."​


dont hold your breath on it been added, i hit a 253 Lurker during the Contest, i tried to have it added and their reply was
Entropia Life said:
Thanks for contacting EL Support.

The reason why your globals haven't been registered is, that in order to be registered in the EL database it needs to be confirmed by 3 different trackers to guarantee integrity of the database. If there haven't been 3 trackers online on the given Planet the global won't be in the database.

Under Settings on the EL homepage you can see how many trackers are online on each planet.


Active Member
So globals are planet dependent, HOF's ATH's really should not be since those get broadcast universe wide correct?

I understand the integrity thing and needing 3 separate reports of it, but would think that universe wide announces should also count.

Again, a lot of folks have not been on Cyrene lately and those who are, may not be on at the same time or running the tracker. I know myself I sometimes turn it off, mostly by mistake by closing it out, and not remembering it does not just minimize and forgetting to restart it.

Maybe if cyrene gets their act together, people may start returning to the planet again and there will be enough trackers running. Until then, good luck.

Under Settings on the EL homepage you can see how many trackers are online on each planet.

So if you're online and have tracker running, and the page shows 0... you know something's not working right.

Rusty Venture

Back on Cyrene
There are not enough people running the tracker on the planet, if each person who posted here would run it (and be online at the same time) we wouldn't have any issues.


Dave Neuromancer
Tracking the tracker. Data from the Entropia Life settings. Who are the 54 people on Caly?



Next Island

Planet Arkadia

Planet Cyrene

Planet Toulan


Active Member
Like everyone of them is going to come run here to answer that.
It probably includes Monria too since that is counted as part of Caly and I always see at least 5 or 6 people around there.
