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Where are the mobs for medium lvl player?


New Member
I'd been looking forward to hunting on cyrene but it look like i'll come back once you guys do a full launch.
Your lvl 60s mobs do 17 to 120dmg on boar+5b, shouldnt it be doing 50%-100% like a weapon?!! So who are you guys catering to exactly? Does the dev ever play the game?
The dmg is quite messed up imo and i think you guys need to cater to low to medium lvl players.
Btw, I like the scenery but get rid of the mountains.. they are everywhere!

Overall, I am very disappointed and hope you guys will do a better job.


Fate Thanatos Themis
well u got plenty mobs for ur level, just look around a bit before start bitching plz

i recommend for ur level and armor:

zeladoths lev 24-42,
stalkers of all kind,
mature mang changs,
paneleons including old alpha,
plains skyshatters,
all zyn dos

...i could toss in some more weaker mobs. well the list is kinda huge. All of those i hunt in Vigilante set with plates, and it is worse than boar. Healing with chip vi, using gun about 60dps. And ofc im not uber avatar, just old player ;)


There can be only one, and YOU BUB; Are NOT IT.
Agreed Thanatos. Many players forget that Boar and Bear are more of the medium armor, and that Calypso has critters from all aspects across the board. Yet forget that it took, what, 4-8 years to get that formula just right? I too use my bare skin most of the time to simply Vigilante with 5B's. I've barely found any mobs I can't Kill, but as the saying goes - there's a difference between Hunting and Killing.

Those level 60's on Calypso are equivalent to a 20-42 here, based on what dmg type you're talking. Where as a decent 60 here might kick a more 100+ on other planets. You'll find that many are either very high damage in a single category, or a Damage that most armors forget about.

Hope it all sorts out, as hunting on Cyrene is a blast!