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Where is everyone?


Active Member
C Team has been very quiet lately, ya on vacation?
Also noticed a lot of the regulars are not in game either, everyone ok?


Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Hey sluggo,

I'm always lurking around (on here and some in game) just working hard on the stuff for the next VU =) There hasn't been much for me to touch on here so I haven't randomly posted anything. :braa:



i am home again..will stay here for sometime...we can go to some drink sometimes

Deo Ingie

i think i give up on bunny and head back to Cyrene, caly really sucks, too damn big. and beetle pet would be awesome. plus im not getting any badges on caly. so yeah, i think i head back to cyrene tomorrow


i think i give up on bunny and head back to Cyrene, caly really sucks, too damn big. and beetle pet would be awesome. plus im not getting any badges on caly. so yeah, i think i head back to cyrene tomorrow

I bought a lvl 7 silver bunny to save myself from being stucked at caly skilling it up :)