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Will Cyrene Launch with its own vehicles?

Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Hey Wistrel,

I'm not sure if you saw our Facebook, but the PIGV and the Spear that we showcased are indeed Planet Cyrene vehicles that will be available at launch =)

We are also working on a couple other vehicles / vehicle types that have not been shown yet, as we get closer to launch, I will have more to show and talk about the vehicles of Planet Cyrene.


Kick Ass Elf
Wow! a first then indeed. Not been to the FB page for a while so will have to go take a looksie some time


im awesome.
please tell me you will be handing out those to the first 10 ppl that come to cyrene :D


im awesome.
ell then do 10 vehicles per timezone or just let ppl buy them form the tt the first day or sumthin

Tony Pendragon

New Member
What I would like to se from Cyrene is a new vehicle capable to space flight.
Something of a smuggler class of vehicle....faster than a quad, relative armour but maybe not as well armed as a quad.

This way people have a better chance at getting goods accros space without having to pay a good deal to a mothership.
Sometimes people just dont have enough to sell to justify paying for a mothership.


Active Member
Hey Wistrel,

I'm not sure if you saw our Facebook, but the PIGV and the Spear that we showcased are indeed Planet Cyrene vehicles that will be available at launch =)

We are also working on a couple other vehicles / vehicle types that have not been shown yet, as we get closer to launch, I will have more to show and talk about the vehicles of Planet Cyrene.

This is great to read!!! So these two vehicles will be on planet when launched? If so any chance we can see what they look like in game and not the concept art version?


Active Member
I thought we had a screenshot of one of them....
Found it, it's from the website tutorial, the lance: Seen Here

NICE!! You need to put those pictures on facebook and not the concept art images to show real game and not what could be coming in the future.

Now, if you need me to go to planet and take a few screen shots, I would be more than happy to help out here. PM me anytime. My Print Screen is standing by.

Edit: Looking at the cool image again, I see that it's not a hover bike as shown in the concept art :drool: I, like many others, were waiting for that COOL bike!! Will there be one?


The Notorious Daisy ColdFinger
My guess is the new Mech Suites as seen in the article will also be classed "Vehicles"


Active Member
Will be be able to craft this chopper??



Active Member
Now this is just an idea here, but for the most active forum members here, I think we should be given some of Cyrene vehicles now so we can be flying/driving them around telling everyone were they can be found. Kind of like a ad campain for the new planet? hmm?? maybe? :rolleyes:


New Member
This owuld result ina lot more posts of course... but as people currently have not much more to say, than they say now, we will get a lot spam here. Please don't link in game things to forum account activity.

Master Chief

Smuggler - Hibernation
What I would like to se from Cyrene is a new vehicle capable to space flight.
Something of a smuggler class of vehicle....faster than a quad, relative armour but maybe not as well armed as a quad.

This way people have a better chance at getting goods accros space without having to pay a good deal to a mothership.
Sometimes people just dont have enough to sell to justify paying for a mothership.

That would be an idea, and make it way easier for me to smuggle 'Liberated Goods'.