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Will Cyrene really go live in the face of these other MMO's?


New Member

Screens linked to google adsense, with the option to disable them if you dont want them. hmmm, it could be good. not sure about it.
I might explain how I think of this. Advertising in game is a delicate matter, many possibilities to make grave mistakes - these should be avoided. A few points:
  • RL Ads should be as little intrusive as possible. Means, no RL ads at all at the openly viewable Ad screens, these are for in game advertising only. No big "BurgerGrilly" signs in PA, for the love of Lootius!
  • RL Ads should be an option that has to be actively chosen by the participant, for instance by operating an Ad Terminal, viewing the Ad, then collecting a small part of the Ad fee. Only said participant would see & hear the Ad.
  • These Ads could be localized, you'd see only these booked for your area. It would be possible to sell them using a simple interface like google is using it for the booking of their ad words.
    This way even small companies could use it, at low costs - for instance, the little PC dealer in Brazzaville could inform any player from this area of the newly available Alienware mouses. Not much money earned with a single small ad customer, but there might be many, and added up this could generate a nice income.
A lot of money is spent in advertising. Especially qualified, localized ad views are quite valuable.
Our PC dealer might spent $200 for a tiny ad in "Brazzaville today", or might make a small video that he then can deliver to the ~ 20 EU gamers in the area - for approx. the same price. Since gamers rarely read the "Brazzaville today" this is a simple decision then.

For sure, this would require a bigger audience. Ads don't sell well if there's very few recipients. But ad income might enable MA to change the system to make it more player-friendly, attracting more people. That then would be a better audience to the ads, attracting more ad customers - you see, another vicious circle.

Just my 2 oil residues. Have fun!


Kick Ass Elf
hehe like the comment about sitting back patiently waiting for the corpse of WoW to come floating by ;)

I do wonder if the reason why MA has lasted so long with PE is that its never really pushed the boat out in terms of advertising or making a fuss.


New Member
Actually i really like several idea's, especially the sweat-> ammo and ingame advertorials per region at the choice of the player him/herself. Same goes foor a more stable way of loot returns.. this makes players last longer before they are forced to deposit ( and burn it way to fast again ).

As small time webshop owner, i rather pay for ads of wich i know people will see instead of a big mass advertorial shot at on google.. ( and pay more and more and more without the ability to see if the rise in price is a real thing or not )

Oh and hi btw :)


A pixel guy
Eh.. Aren't all planets in EU same as it comes to graphics?
"Graphics" is not so much what the engine can do as what the content developers have done with it. Currently, Arkadia is a dazzling example that planets don't have to be the same. I hope that Cyrene will raise the standards even higher.


Kick Ass Elf
"Graphics" is not so much what the engine can do as what the content developers have done with it. Currently, Arkadia is a dazzling example that planets don't have to be the same. I hope that Cyrene will raise the standards even higher.

Arkadia that good then?

TBH I was impressed with Rocktropia and even more so with Next Island... I guess if the bar keeps rising then Arkadia should be better too I spose....

Dunno... Maybe I'll get there before Cryene "Launches"



A pixel guy
Arkadia that good then?
RT has its own taste of uniqueness but on a big scale it feels for me like an amusement park: many assorted attractions without strong associations between them. Lemmy's land, zombies, vampires - every time NDS adds new content, it doesn't have any connection with the existing world and, what's worse, with the other universe. It's clear that they drop in all these biomes without any long-term plans, like "hey, lets add this and this and look how the people would like it". Also like any amusement park it's too flashy and pompous. Apparently ND created his personal gaming heaven as he sees it, but one man's heaven is another man's hell :). Sure it's a fun place to visit for a week or two, but once you've seen all, nothing holds you there. NI feels better in terms of storyline integrity and looks nice but essentially doesn't offer much of anything we haven't already seen on Calypso.

But Arkadia, it impressed me both on large and small scales. Evidently it's created with a strict thought-out plan and any today's or tomorrow additions were designed from the start. Every little thing has a purpose, every small graphics made with a lot of love. Even if you haven't been at Arkadia yet, you certainly have seen items imported from there and how perfect those are drawn. Had you notice that even Calypso's attachments look on Arkadia's tools like they were designed for each other? Like, weapon amps aren't just stuck to the side of the gun, there are rails for all kinds of attachments and Caly's parts look correct on them. And this attention to details is Ark's trademark, if you raise you eyes up from little things to horizon you'll see it everywhere. Hills and plains aren't just random fractals, it's clearly visible they were laid out manually - even in a seemingly impassable cliff you'll find a path, carefully left by terrain designers. And if you still believe that Sakura City is the best place for your pixel self to live, you really should see Ark's apartments and views from their windows :cool:

That's why I eagerly wait for the day I'll step on Cyrene. Even from the scant bits of information we've absorbed so far I've got an impression that Cyrene team have the same degree of commitment to their brainchild, and if that's so then with all the lessons they hopefully learnt from the fails and successes of their predecessors they'll present us a truly unexampled experience ;)