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Will Planet Cyrene get its own Disciple Armor?


New Member
Hello, what is goin on. Just got here from Arkadia, I need to know if Cyrene has it's own gear please. It will help me decide whether or not I will finish my mentorship here does anyone know?


New Member
omg wasn't this planet launched like 2 years ago? Come on I want some unlimited armor because it reminds me of HALO


Active Member
omg wasn't this planet launched like 2 years ago? Come on I want some unlimited armor because it reminds me of HALO

No, 4 years ago and in that time it got a cool downsizing to one server with players thinking that they are planning to bring back the old servers soon. :)


Fate Thanatos Themis
No, 4 years ago and in that time it got a cool downsizing to one server with players thinking that they are planning to bring back the old servers soon. :)

im not sure why ur wasting ur time here on this forum and planet... there are so many great places where u can go. plz go.


Active Member
im not sure why ur wasting ur time here on this forum and planet... there are so many great places where u can go. plz go.

No thanks I can stay and wait and hope that there will be a Cyrene in the future. I'm just hard on this forum for the BS we are given about the status of the planet ...if the developers were more open about what is going on then I would be less hard on them and all. But as long as they feed us "we will look into it" crap I will be here just giving back BS and if the planet does start over fresh in the future then I will apologize. I'm most hard on them due to the fact they are blaming all this on MA..no sorry it's not MA at work here..it is them not understanding the game submitting stuff to MA that MA has clearly told them 'we do not allow this'. Just look around...it's so messed up right now that it's hard to believe there will be a future here on one of the best planets to come to EU. I mean look they don't even know what the right color is for the terminals.


New Member
I'm not here to give crap or make anyone look bad I just would like an honest answer for the armor... because even the TT armor looks so cool, maybe with some shoulder pads and one horn on top of the helmet for the disciple armor; I can guarantee ya it will bring more prospects in terms of colonists. I just feel like I deserve an honest answer from the development team or whoever is in charge. After reading the whole thread, I think it is unfair to hold back a timeline for the armor. I don't mean to offend anyone but I think it's a fair question to ask.
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Active Member
Good Point Cutter.
WHEN is hard launch projected for now?
Any time frame or is it just going to hang in the air forever?



New Member
Hello, I really like cyrene, its like that that almost all mobs kills me and I'm still here... well...

I'm worried since ever since I got to cyrene I've been asking about graduating and I've heard it would be in last month when it would be decided if cyrene would have own armor or not. Well, I went back to my country and returned and still the armor is not a sure thing... I'm at 98% actually and I really would like to have the disciple armor!

when will be possible???


Hey guys,

I do have an update for this, we will be having our own disciple armor, as well as Cyrene mentor items as well, but it won't be until Hard Launch. When I have visual previews for the armor and items I will post them up.


Guess the bottom line question is when is Hard Launch then?


Yeah, I did it. So what?
Kris,, I think its time for an update.. anything is better then just hanging out in limbo like this..


Well-Known Member
Kris already stated that hard launch would be when the mech system gets introduced, timing depends on MA.
You can do your maths from that (not before september at least)


Well-Known Member
Funny how everything is delayed awaiting hard launch or being MA fault.
The guys from Toulan were able to release disciple armor for under 2 years of operation. :headscratch:


Im sorry but I fail to see how the disciple armor has anything to do with hard launch and the mech system. Like Krasco mentioned other planets released their armor in less time operating then Cyrene. Did Toulan for example have to wait for similar stuff? How can this hapen? Why does it take forever for anything to get sorted at Cyrene? Panaleon kill point mission? ARC Vendors?? Cyrene Token Vendors? The whole issue with the BE Armor? Missions that have been bugged forever? Cyrene keeps shooting itself in the foot.

Saying its MA fault and having us wait for next VU just to realise that nothing gets sorted is BS. Having us wait for next VU to realise that the mission that everyone is waiting for (and opened by ppl grinding a certain part of the dynamic map) came into play bugged is BS. Refering that it would be fixed shortly (like everything else bugged at Cyrene) then failing to do so is incompetence, I dont care if its by Cyrene crew or MA we need solutions not finger pointing.

The disciple armor is just another of the many problems that need addressing and at a much faster pace. Cyrene is falling behind other planets when it comes to this and other mathers and it has been happening for quite some time now.

Take my example, born on Cyrene, did most of my mentoring at Cyrene, waited and waited then got tired of waiting and went over to Ark to graduate and ended up with an Adj Musca. If I was still waiting for the disciple armor of Cyrene I would have been waiting for over two years now. I would much rather have an armor of the planet were I spend most of my time ingame instead of an Adj Musca, the armors of Cyrene are very good. Why not make an Adj Turrelion or Adj Guardian for example? They look great and are distinctively from Cyrene.
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Well-Known Member
+1 Skubahta

they said always the same thing... Wait hard launch, it's hard to do that, it's MA fault etc etc ...

How to explain to our disciples to come to cyrene if its for the calypso stuff :( They don't want come.
If there is no new players on cyrene for a base, how cyrene can grow up ?
Why Cyrene staff don't do anything to acquire more players on the planet ? They don't need to do alot thing for that. Just put some events, attack mob or maybe some ticket to get in loot on certain mobs in certain time (1 days or more) with funny reward, not necessary armor or weapon UL i know you don't like to give that to players but L unique items or vehicle.
Or sometimes when lilmc or other official is online, if they spawn some big mobs just for fun... but fun is not the rules for Cyrene it seems...


Active Member
Im sorry but I fail to see how the disciple armor has anything to do with hard launch and the mech system. Like Krasco mentioned other planets released their armor in less time operating then Cyrene. Did Toulan for example have to wait for similar stuff? How can this hapen? Why does it take forever for anything to get sorted at Cyrene? Panaleon kill point mission? ARC Vendors?? Cyrene Token Vendors? The whole issue with the BE Armor? Missions that have been bugged forever? Cyrene keeps shooting itself in the foot.

Saying its MA fault and having us wait for next VU just to realise that nothing gets sorted is BS. Having us wait for next VU to realise that the mission that everyone is waiting for (and opened by ppl grinding a certain part of the dynamic map) came into play bugged is BS. Refering that it would be fixed shortly (like everything else bugged at Cyrene) then failing to do so is incompetence, I dont care if its by Cyrene crew or MA we need solutions not finger pointing.

The disciple armor is just another of the many problems that need addressing and at a much faster pace. Cyrene is falling behind other planets when it comes to this and other mathers and it has been happening for quite some time now.

Take my example, born on Cyrene, did most of my mentoring at Cyrene, waited and waited then got tired of waiting and went over to Ark to graduate and ended up with an Adj Musca. If I was still waiting for the disciple armor of Cyrene I would have been waiting for over two years now. I would much rather have an armor of the planet were I spend most of my time ingame instead of an Adj Musca, the armors of Cyrene are very good. Why not make an Adj Turrelion or Adj Guardian for example? They look great and are distinctively from Cyrene.

Funny story here. I moved from Calypso to Arkadia when Cyrene was released. I planned to spend a bit of time waiting for the heard lunch witch well never happened.

There are a lot of issues here and the main issues is that C-team simply do not understand how the game works. The mesh system will never come. My guess is that MA said that it was possible but when found that Cyrene would have to pay for the development of it I'm not sure if that is when all went down hill. Remember Arkadia had to pay over 1 million for the treasure hunting mining system.

At the end the main over all issue is money. For such items, the C-Team needs to pay MA a cut for each item and well with Cyrene not having all that much money can't really be giving MA money it doesn't have.