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Will Planet Cyrene get its own Disciple Armor?

Paul Jetman Masters

Well-Known Member
A side thought: should this end up in, for example, an armor set with a decent Stab/Acid protection that's nevertheless too much for Young Empi... is there anything to keep Cyrene from releasing Mature Empi and Old Empi? ;)
i guess Empi start freshly hatched, to empi and then become the evil Empi Wasps

Okay... so my first attempt was not really successful.

Thoughts: probably went too low on Impact. For the second attempt, I might also give up on Burn (there's Turrelion Silverstitch for that) and add some Acid instead (Goblin isn't easily available on Cyrene, and plurkers are nasty).

Anyone can do better? ;) I've renamed it (proposed Cyrene graduation armor) to make it even more obvious it's not an existing item. Go ahead, try your numbers!
i preferred this one, when i had high burn it was like a less useful Musca. The lurkers do acid? (explains why they're so active) i thought it was cold damage mainly


Sandal San Tolk
My version (total 35 like other graduation armors)

Stab 11 Cut 7 Impact 4
Musca has equal distribution of c/s/i, Pixie is tilted towards Impact, why not have a set tilted the other way. It'd be maybe a bit less useful outright but would make a perfect match for 5A plates (4 cut 7 impact).

Shrap 3 Pen 3 Burn 7
Tilted towards Burn which is done not only by bots but also Paneleon/Zeladoth.

Cold 0 Acid 0 Electric 0
There are scores of armors with low-level exotic protection. How many people in Koroma, Kobold, Goblin or A.R.C. Ranger have you seen lately? None, most likely, as those armors aren't really sought after. As for Cold, we already have a plate for it.
Nigh perfect, absolutely like the first idea. Maybe 10/7/5 to make it less obvious it's a mirror image. Only in the second department I would make it 6 shrap and 0 pen. It may look odd but there are pen/burn alternatives aplenty for the stronger mobs, for the lower ones available plates are quite sufficient. For us here this would work against
- Drill Bot 1001 (45/3 dmg imp/shr/brn ) with 2B: 15-5-3 + 15-6-0 + 15-7-5 = 14 max.
- Strong Living Vortex (56/3 stb/cut/shr) with 5B: 19-10-8 + 19-7-9 + 19-6-0 = 17 max.
- Duster Gatherer (43/3 imp/pen/brn) with 3B: 14-5-2 + 14-0-8 + 14-7-3 = 18 max.
- Mature Paneleon (20 imp, 10 cut/brn) with 5A: 20-5-7 + 10-7-7 + 10-7-0 = 11 max. (Old => take Musca Adj.)
- Zeladoth Delta (10 imp, 24 cut, 14 brn) with 5A: 10-5-7 + 24-7-5 + 14-7-0 = 19 max.
- Young Mang Chang (68/3 imp/cut/stb ?) with 5B: 23-5-12 + 23-7-9 + 23-11-8 = 17 max.
- Mutant Jellyworm (10 imp, 7.5 pen, 2.5 shr/brn/elc): 10-5 + 7.5-0 + 2.5-6 + 2.5-7 + 2.5-0 = 15 max.
- Poison Swamp Lurker (15.5 imp/acd) with 4A: 15.5-5-6 + 15.5-0-4 = 16 max.
- Atrax, Nexnecis, Prancer...

Poison Swamp Lurkers: Musca Adj. + 2C => 12 max.
Nimet: Pixie Adj. + 4C/6B, A.R.C. Ranger, Zombie (L)
Merfolken: Pixie Adj., Zombie (L)
Imperium, Robots: A.R.C. Ranger + 6A
Imperium etc., also Empis Wasp: IFN Prototype Mk.II (L) (available from always stocked vendor, cough)
Zeladoth -Theta: Mah'ketta + 5B or Pulsar 8

Maybe we can haz Ozpyn Acid Protectors and Ozpyn Electric Protectors to craft?
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