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WIP - New Pleaks

Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Hey guys,

I can't say too much about this yet, but wanted to share a snippet of something we're working on for the next PP VU.

pleak rangers v5.jpg


P.S. These aren't tameable.

Lilmc | Cyrene

Former Official of the greatest community.
Staff member
Hey everyone!

As were proud of the pleak updates to a future ppvu. We're looking at several styles we can introduce that we believe will be beneficial to new, current, and former players of Planet Cyrene. We will also look at several reward types and look at a wide range of audience and not specific to one type. I'm happy the direction we're going with and hope everyone else as well.



Active Member
could be some nice textures there :) on that note, is there any sights to introduce the tree dragon hides?


Sandal San Tolk
Yeah !
Hope it is one of the mob for the next stage for upgrade the Refurbished fap :D
Somehow I doubt this will be achieved swatting 10 hp mobs. Unless they are... Rhyncho Pleaks :eek: We shall see!

Textures for some colourful clothes would be popular, I guess.

Cheers! :)


Well-Known Member
Somehow I doubt this will be achieved swatting 10 hp mobs. Unless they are... Rhyncho Pleaks :eek: We shall see!

Textures for some colourful clothes would be popular, I guess.

Cheers! :)

Who said this new pleaks will have 10 hp ;)

Neo Jr XL

could be some nice textures there :) on that note, is there any sights to introduce the tree dragon hides?

If new pleaks or tree dragons will have texture can we please have it with low skill requirements for applying. Now all have lvl 10, unlike other 'new' planets where you can start with lvl 1 and progress up. And speaking of textures, any chance to revisit Fine Hide drop rate on Cyrene? Giving Loot 2.0 conundrum of favoring caly loot in PP mobs I'm sure you are looking at adjusting it to what it was in Loot 1.99. May be you can revisit Fine Hide loot table as well..