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Worst pets of EU???


Im sorry for this i say ...but all says the Cyrene pets is the worst of all EU ...

And ppl do the Maze but gets a big nothing!!! (be glad...i change it last sec...)...

So next VU or for Hard Launch...devs ...guys at least the WolperTinger give to this beautiful pet something real strong power and make this Cyrene pet a symbol of Cyrene...:cheer::dance::cheer:

Faceof is Dynamic...:goodbee:

Paul Jetman Masters

Well-Known Member
I have to disagree. The horse is one of my favorite pet in EU. Too bad you can't ride it.
it's like tiny lol, would look funny tho


but surely Toulan has the worst, just 2 tab tabs, 1 is end of the mission with basic buffs (altho it looks excellent) and the other is a small tabtab that can't be spawned off toulan iirc