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Xent Tech Freeze Ray - Rebalance review

In my opinion, Xent Tech Freeze Ray (XTFR) requires rebalance to make it more useful. My suggestion is that XTFR needs further range than other gun, such as Spec HK.

What is the point of slowing down your enemy but you are still in firing range? There's no way I can win a 1v1 combat with this gun against Spec HK user. In team of 2, two Spec HKs would be more useful than one XTFR + Spec HK.

Stunna + Flamethrower do great job in close range combat. Launcher has potential use due to its ultimate range and flash damage, as well as ability to slow a group of enemy, which might be useful in team pvp in the future. But XTFR looks a bit useless in my eyes, even in team pvp it cannot shine much.

Increase the range from 38m to 48m or even 58m would make this gun more useful and balance.


The Notorious Daisy ColdFinger
There will always be something thats better than something else, something that "should be"...Comes down to style and tactics...Other wise youll be adjusting weapons stats to accommodate all styles till your blue in the face




New Member
Well, from what I understand and what I heard when Ed was doing a Q&A is that every weapon will have its niche, which perhaps it's not as apparent now because we only have deathmatches in The Hub, but once we have some sort of teamplay going, then each weapon will have its particular use for different tactics. Also, they might still get tweaked and such in the future. :) I do agree the Freeze Ray could use a longer range, though.