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Zorra's Riffle :)


Well-Known Member
Zora Rifle.jpg
zora rifle 1.jpg


Well-Known Member
Nothing more to do. I got all component since a long time, they just repaired the receipe for make the weapon without the missing component.

That mean, if you do the entire epic mission + you loot components from Lazidol, you can now make this weapon.

Have fun :)
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When they first talked about that epic mission chain the weapon was supposed to be lvl 70 rifle.
Althou, this info wasn't in any official announcements afaik, so it's just rumors.
After that several years of silence... and now this.

Well, at least we got something. Gratz!


Well-Known Member
When they first talked about that epic mission chain the weapon was supposed to be lvl 70 rifle.
Althou, this info wasn't in any official announcements afaik, so it's just rumors.
After that several years of silence... and now this.

Well, at least we got something. Gratz!

Don't forget, this is not the final reward. They still said the last week, they will improve this weapon :D